Columnist Anna Quindlen has the following insightful analysis of Supreme Court decisions and their effects (via Ramesh Ponnuru @ The Corner)
But, more important, history tells us that the decisions that made people angriest at the time are often the ones that seem most obviously just. Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark desegregation case, was excoriated. Limits on unreasonable searches, protection from self-incrimination—they were trashed until they became accepted as bedrock American principles. On every cop show a character shouts, "You can't come in here without a warrant!" and viewers nod as though it were Jeffersonian edict.
It seems to me that there is no Supreme Court decision that led, even if indirectly, to making more people angry than the infamous Dred Scott decision. So angry, in fact, that more than 500,000 people died as a result.