March 13, 2023
David French is lost

About a decade ago, lawyer and National Review writer David French was someone I generally agreed with. He worked as a lawyer for the Alliance Defending Freedom and before that, the Jay Sekulow's ACLJ. But, like a lot of people on both the right and the left, it appears that he was broken by Donald Trump. […]

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November 9, 2022
The Red Wave That Wasn't

In a midterm election where inflation over the past year has topped 8 percent, gasoline prices top $5/gallon in California and are nearly $4/gallon in most other states, well over half of those polled say the country is on the wrong track, and Joe Biden's job approval at just 42 percent, the Republican Party fell […]

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February 18, 2021
Rush Limbaugh, RIP

Rush Limbaugh died yesterday at the age of 70 from lung cancer. As should be no surprise, thoughtful, kind-hearted liberals reacted on social media with a level of hatred and vitriol not seen since…well, the last prominent conservative died. I first started listening to Rush pretty frequently my junior year of college. I thought I'd […]

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January 20, 2021
Orange man gone

By the time I hit the "Publish" button on this post, orange man bad will have miraculously turned into orange man gone. I've made no secret of my view over the past four years the Donald Trump was a man uniquely unsuited to the presidency. Orange Man bad before election day An egotistical narcissist, Trump […]

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October 15, 2020
Too many Americans have lost their freaking minds

If the current political season is any indication (and it probably is) then there is plenty of evidence that too many people have lost their freaking minds. Two months ago, one of my friends on Facebook linked to this Gallup survey headlined: "25% in U.S. Say Neither Candidate Would Be a Good President." My succinct […]

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July 15, 2020
Media Fact-Checking Failures

The past couple of weeks have been especially bad for media fact-checking. Two incidents really stand out as the ostensibly unbiased, objective national media have gone all-in on their war on President Donald Trump, their own credibility be damned. Media Not  Interested in Fact-Checking Sen. Tammy Duckworth Two Sundays ago, Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) appeared […]

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November 6, 2018
Election Day 2018

Today is Election Day 2018, unless you're a Democrat, in which case it's tomorrow. The nice thing about running your own site, is that that old, lame joke doesn't get you banned. What's going to happen? Answer: I don't know. The consensus seems to be that the Democrats will take the House; by 20+ seats […]

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October 8, 2018
Kavanaugh Confirmed

Saturday afternoon, Judge Brett Kavanaugh became Justice Brett Kavanaugh after being confirmed by the Senate in a 50-48 vote. Two weeks ago I appeared on Dave Congalton's radio show to talk about my two previous posts on the Kavanaugh confirmation process and the more recent live testimony by Kavanaugh and his primary accuser, Christine Blasey […]

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January 9, 2018
Has everyone lost their minds?

If the last year or so since Donald Trump won the presidency is any indication, then the answer is: "Yes, everyone has lost their minds." Trump is unsuited for high office, let alone the presidency. But what's really become apparent over the past few months is how woefully inept and irresponsible the mainstream media has […]

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January 3, 2018
Donald Trump's Media Awards

President Trump has announced that he will be awarding "THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR" [capitalization in the original] this Monday at 5 p.m. *Yawn* A few obvious points: Substantive media criticism is not Trump's forté. Trump would like to these awards to shame the members of the media who receive them; […]

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