April 12, 2021
Redefine Everything

I'm a big fan of words. I like putting them in order to convey meaning and describe concepts. I don't like the current attempts to redefine everything as part of a wider effort to delegitimize one side or change the terms of the political debate. The effort to change the meaning of words to benefit […]

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January 26, 2021
Media outlets conspire to slime Sen. Tom Cotton

Last weekend, Salon, an online magazine whose best days were probably 15-plus years ago and now appears to be little more than a low-rent, clickbait version of Mother Jones, published a hit piece on Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) accusing the man who served one tour in Iraq and another in Afghanistan—and was awarded a Bronze Star—of stolen valor. […]

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January 20, 2021
Orange man gone

By the time I hit the "Publish" button on this post, orange man bad will have miraculously turned into orange man gone. I've made no secret of my view over the past four years the Donald Trump was a man uniquely unsuited to the presidency. Orange Man bad before election day An egotistical narcissist, Trump […]

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October 15, 2020
We're listening to Dan Rather Again?

More than a decade after he was ignominiously sacked by CBS News for running a story using supposedly 1960s-era documents that were created in Microsoft Word and run through a photocopy machine a couple of times in an attempt to torpedo George W. Bush's re-election bid, Dan Rather is back. Rather's rehabilitation has been mostly […]

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September 30, 2020
Media malpractice

Our betters in the mainstream media often tout their layers and layers of fact-checkers, their professionalism and training. Unfortunately, far too often we see reporting that can be described as media malpractice. Media malpractice at Newsweek: Does the story support the headline? Last week, before President Donald Trump nominated circuit court Judge Amy Coney Barrett […]

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