Random debate thoughts

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on May 4, 2007

First, what the heck are we doing having a debate in May ... of 2007? This super-early primaries and campaign schedule is simply insane. I'm sure the Washington press corps loves this, but most of America just doesn't care.

Chrissy Matthews was pretty darn bad, though this will definitely be good practice for the Republicans for dealing with the left-wing media.

I can see why the Democrats were chicken to go on Fox News, give Bill O'Reilly Chrissy's job and most of the Democrats would've fainted straight away.

I'll answer the question Mitt Romney dodged. What do I hate most about America? Stupid questions like: "What do I hate most about America?" from journalists.

Do you remember in elementary school when they encouraged you to ask questions and told you that "there are no dumb questions"?


That was a lie. There are dumb questions.

There's too many candidates on the podium. I'm voting Paul, Tancredo and Thompson off the island.

Just for entertainment's sake, let's have a Paul vs. Gravel debate.

0 comments on “Random debate thoughts”

  1. Mitt missed an opportunity here. He could have answered "You'd get better answers at a Democratic debate. They dislike America a lot more than we do."


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