It's hard out there for a con

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on May 3, 2007

And by "con" I mean conservative, as historian Mark Moyar has found out.

Mark Moyar doesn't exactly fit the stereotype of a disappointed job seeker. He is an Eagle Scout who earned a summa cum laude degree from Harvard, graduating first in the history department before earning a doctorate at the University of Cambridge in England. Before he had even begun graduate school, he had published his first book and landed a contract for his second book. Distinguished professors at Harvard and Cambridge wrote stellar letters of recommendation for him.

Yet over five years, this conservative military and diplomatic historian applied for more than 150 tenure-track academic jobs, and most declined him a preliminary interview. During a search at University of Texas at El Paso in 2005, Mr. Moyar did not receive an interview for a job in American diplomatic history, but one scholar who did wrote her dissertation on "The American Film Industry and the Spanish-Speaking Market During the Transition to Sound, 1929-1936." At Rochester Institute of Technology in 2004, Mr. Moyar lost out to a candidate who had given a presentation on "promiscuous bathing" and "attire, hygiene and discourses of civilization in Early American-Japanese Relations."

It's an example, some say, of the difficulties faced by academics who are seen as bucking the liberal ethos on campus and perhaps the reason that history departments at places like Duke had 32 Democrats and zero Republicans, according to statistics published by the Duke Conservative Union around the time Mr. Moyar tried to get an interview there.

I encourage you to read the entire article. Moyar had a hard time finding a job, but someone like Howard Zinn, who thinks the U.S. entrance into World War II was immoral, would get snapped up in a minute.

0 comments on “It's hard out there for a con”

  1. Currently I am reading Moyar's most recent book, "Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War 1954-1965. It is incredibly well-researched, an effort becoming of a true historian. It is clear he was not impressed with the quality of Halberstam's Vietnam reporting.


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