September 5, 2022
The Congress as an Appendix

Not the section at the back of a book, but rather the organ in the human body that once may have had a function—but does no longer does. Nearly a year ago (I've been busy with other things), I wrote a long essay decrying the breakdown of our constitutional system. Presidents Obama, Trump and Biden […]

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October 5, 2021
A republic, if you can keep it

In 1787, as Benjamin Franklin exited Independence Hall in Philadelphia he was asked what form of government the Founders had settled on. He replied: "A republic…if you can keep it." We've had a good run, but it appears as though it's ending. We still have a republican "form" of government on paper, but over the […]

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May 17, 2021
The CDC, masks, and the incompetence of public health officials

Former President Donald Trump rightly received a lot of flak over his continual failure to stay on message as the spread of COVID-19 eventually led to lockdowns, skyrocketing unemployment, and hundreds of thousands of Americans dead. However, if the public pronouncements of our public health officials under the Joe Biden presidency are any indication of […]

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October 19, 2020
Do newspaper endorsements carry any weight?

For many people nowadays their local newspaper's endorsements are irrelevant. Younger people seldom get their news via the printed page and older people continue to do what older people do—die—thus slowly, but inevitably, leading to decreased subscription revenue. It's past time for newspapers, especially local ones, to do away with endorsements. While small, local newspapers […]

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February 13, 2020
Media Bias, Political Speech, and Fake News

Another week, another entry in the annals of media bias, political speech and fake news. At last week's State of the Union Address to Congress, President Donald Trump channelled his inner reality show persona and crafted a number of applause lines by recognizing several invited guests whom you really can't help but tip your hat […]

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January 22, 2019
Ill-served by the media

We're being ill-served by the media. Despite the oft-repeated chest-thumping that "Democracy Dies in Darkness," or "Speaking Truth to Power," the majority of the mainstream media is suffering from both Trump Derangement Syndrome—the inclination to take any claim which puts Donald Trump in a bad light as automatically true—and simply lazy reporting. That was the […]

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December 12, 2018
The Migrant Caravan and Reparations

The latest news is that the migrant caravan from Central America, currently stalled in Tijuana, marched to the U.S. consulate there and demanded either entrance to the United States, or a $50,000 per person in reparations for them to go home. This makes me think that most of the migrants are of French extraction: De Gaulle […]

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December 11, 2018
Shutting Down the Government

We're doing the shutting down the government thing again? President Trump met today in the White House with Democrat leaders Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer to talk about the president's priorities and the long and short of it came down to this: If Congress (one-half of which will be run by the Democrats) […]

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November 8, 2018
Election aftermath 2018

The 2018 election aftermath is a flat, dry wasteland with the sun-bleached skulls of of the defeated dotting the desolate landscape. At least, that's how it seems to be portrayed on Twitter. Predictions: Correct! My predictions from election day—which were really nothing more than the conventional wisdom—turned out to be correct. With a handful of […]

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November 6, 2018
Election Day 2018

Today is Election Day 2018, unless you're a Democrat, in which case it's tomorrow. The nice thing about running your own site, is that that old, lame joke doesn't get you banned. What's going to happen? Answer: I don't know. The consensus seems to be that the Democrats will take the House; by 20+ seats […]

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