I just checked mine. I still don't have $90,000 in cash stuffed in a box of lasagna.
However, this pesky bit of corruption presents no soul-searching for Rep. William Jefferson (D-Culture of Corruption) after he won re-election today.
What will Nancy Pelosi do about the crook in her caucus. I'm sure she was hoping the voters of Louisiana would take care of her problem for her, but they didn't .
Randy "Duke" Cunningham and Mark Foley resigned in disgrace -- at least the GOP appears to have a little bit of shame. The same can't be said for the Democrats.
Wait - do you mean to tell me that Democrats were HYPOCRITES when it came to the subject of political corruption? And that Jefferson, and Mollohan, and the other Dems implicated (like Harry Reid and his cheap land deals, etc.) weren't as important as Republican crooks?
My God, fella. You need to brush up on Chapter 4 of "The Media in America." It will tell you how Dem scandals are never as important as Republican ones.