A fair trade?

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on April 24, 2003

Zachary Barbera over at Voice from the Commonwealth, has a suggestion that we offer Cuban dictator Fidel Castro a straight-up trade, 1 for 1, of Hollywood leftists in return for the freedom of the journalists and human rights activists listed below.

Now, while I'm sure that there are plenty of Castro-loving Hollywood liberals that qualify, I'm hesitant to limit it to our finest actors and actresses. I think we should include anyone with some "fame" credentials in the trade.

My nominees:
Oliver Stone -- Hollywood Director who did a fawning documentary for HBO on Castro
Jimmy Carter -- Former President and friend to tyrants
Rep. Bob Filner (D-San Diego) -- House member and recent guest of Castro
Barbara Walters -- TV "Journalist" who did a puff piece praising Cuba's literacy rate under Castro

So, taking Barbera's suggestion, I'm going to try to come up with a list of 75 people that we could offer in trade. I'd like the list to include leftists who actually have had some ties to Castro. Whether that means they've spoken out in praise of him, visited him or supported lifting the sanctions regime, it doesn't matter. I just don't want this to simply be list of liberals we dislike.

So, help me fill out the list and we'll see if we can get some serious publicity for it. You can submit names using the comment button below, or using the e-mail to the left. Please use a format similar to the one I've used to start this, listing both the name and their tie to the Cuban dictator.


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April 2003



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