January 20, 2021
Orange man gone

By the time I hit the "Publish" button on this post, orange man bad will have miraculously turned into orange man gone. I've made no secret of my view over the past four years the Donald Trump was a man uniquely unsuited to the presidency. Orange Man bad before election day An egotistical narcissist, Trump […]

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November 6, 2018
Election Day 2018

Today is Election Day 2018, unless you're a Democrat, in which case it's tomorrow. The nice thing about running your own site, is that that old, lame joke doesn't get you banned. What's going to happen? Answer: I don't know. The consensus seems to be that the Democrats will take the House; by 20+ seats […]

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October 8, 2018
Kavanaugh Confirmed

Saturday afternoon, Judge Brett Kavanaugh became Justice Brett Kavanaugh after being confirmed by the Senate in a 50-48 vote. Two weeks ago I appeared on Dave Congalton's radio show to talk about my two previous posts on the Kavanaugh confirmation process and the more recent live testimony by Kavanaugh and his primary accuser, Christine Blasey […]

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September 24, 2018
The Sliming Of Kavanaugh Continues

Another day, another baseless charge against Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the sliming continues. Some on the political right encouraged the Senate last week to ignore the non-credible and unsupported charges of Christine Blasey Ford and go ahead and confirm Kavanaugh to a seat on the Supreme Court. They argued that Ford's repeated requests for delays […]

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September 22, 2018
The Kavanaugh Hit Job

D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh appeared headed toward a narrow, partisan, confirmation to a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States this time last week before California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein decided to slime him. The charge For two months, Feinstein had been sitting on a letter from Christine Blasey […]

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August 15, 2018
Cakes, Guns, and willful animus

If I asked a liberal Colorado baker to make a pro-Second Amendment cake in the shape of a gun, could they refuse my business based upon their conscience? I bring this up not because it's happened, but because what's happened this week in Colorado brings to mind a lot of what is happening in our […]

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