November 2, 2023
October 7 and the Evil Here and Abroad

It's taken me a while to digest what happened in southern Israel on October 7. I realize it's not really informative or productive to publish a blog post that consists of little more than outrage and expletives over what was the largest single-day loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust. In the days and weeks […]

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August 16, 2021
The Afghanistan Betrayal

Watching the videos coming out of Afghanistan evokes both outrage and despair. After 20 years making sure that Afghanistan would not become a safe haven for terrorists who would plot another 9/11, President Joe Biden turned an ill-advised withdrawal into a debacle. He betrayed the American people who spent blood and treasure there. He betrayed […]

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January 20, 2021
Orange man gone

By the time I hit the "Publish" button on this post, orange man bad will have miraculously turned into orange man gone. I've made no secret of my view over the past four years the Donald Trump was a man uniquely unsuited to the presidency. Orange Man bad before election day An egotistical narcissist, Trump […]

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May 15, 2018
The U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem

For more than 20 years, U.S. presidents have put off moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as directed by overwhelming majorities in Congress in the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. Yesterday, the United States finally made it official. I've said before that I would praise President Donald Trump when he […]

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May 9, 2017
A nation of laws, not men

One of the items that guarantees our freedom is that we are a nation of laws, not men. In other words, the law is blind to your station in life. The law cares not whether you are wealthy and connected, or destitute and despised—justice is the same no matter what. At least, that's the theory. […]

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April 26, 2017
Donald Trump's First 100 Days

Yesterday I went on the Dave Congalton show on 920 KVEC to discuss Donald Trump's First 100 Days in office. As is the usual, I always enjoy talking with Dave and often the callers give me good reason to laugh—sometimes in agreement and sometimes…well, you know. If you're interested, you can listen to the show […]

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August 7, 2016
Does Putin fear Hillary?

Yesterday, Carnegie Endowment Vice President for Studies Andrew S. Weiss made the following comment on Twitter regarding the Green Party's affinity for Russia and it's strongman, Vladimir Putin. Wherein @DrJillStein's running mate @ajamubaraka claims Russia was blamed unfairly for 2014 MH17 shootdown #Ukraine — Andrew S. Weiss (@andrewsweiss) August 6, 2016 I think that, […]

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November 19, 2015
Amateur theologians

The debate over the which Syrian refugees (if any) and how many of them to bring to the United States has brought out a cadre of amateur theologians—many of whom darken the doorway of a house of worship only for weddings and funerals—quick to tell us exactly WWJD when it comes to public policy. The […]

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November 18, 2015
The Syrian Refugees

In the wake of last week's terrorist attacks in Paris that left more than 100 dead, President Obama has decided that it is a good time to reemphasize his plan to bring 200,000 Syrian refugees to America over the next two years. This despite the fact that at least one of the Paris terrorists entered […]

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August 11, 2015
Clinton's Email Security

After months of requests, former Secretary of State, and current Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton finally turned over her infamous personal email server to the FBI. But the real news today is that Clinton's email security was a joke. We're safe in assuming that the Russians, Chinese and any other half-way interested party (but not Congress […]

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