Credit where credit's due, ABC News' Jake Tapper the other day asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid what is one of the most pertinent questions when discussing any draw down of American troops in Iraq.
TAPPER: I'm sorry, if I could just follow up very quickly...Do you think the Iraqi people will be safer with U.S. troops out?
REID: It is clear that the Iraqi people don't want us there. It is clear that there is now a state of chaos in Iraq. And it is up to the Iraqi people to make themselves safe….We can't do it. It's time the training wheels come off and they take care of their own country. We have spent billions dollars. We're now spending $12 billion a month on Iraq. That's enough. In the last six months of the surge, six months, 600 more dead Americans, $60 billion more of American taxpayers' money. We, Democrats, unitedly believe that's enough.
TAPPER: With all due respect, Senator, you didn't answer my question.
REID: OK. This is not a debate.
TAPPER: Will the Iraqis be safer?
REID: We're answering questions. (calling on someone else) Yes, young man? Anyone else have a question?
There's a steady drumbeat to pull the troops out, but there is precious little talk about what could and what likely will follow. It's a discussion that needs to be had -- and kudos to Tapper for asking the question.
Now we need politicians to answer it.