December 19, 2016
Milo Yiannopoulos and Free Speech

This week's column in the San Luis Obispo Tribune is on alt-right bomb-thrower Milo Yiannopoulos' upcoming visit to Cal Poly and calls to disinvite him or turn his speech into some sort of panel discussion. For the latter, I'm not sure if the people pushing for this have actually watched video of any of Yiannopoulos' appearances—even […]

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December 8, 2016
Silencing dissent on abortion

The left has its idols: the Earth, "free" healthcare, and abortion. The greatest of these is abortion. Here in California, the legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown were concerned that women undergoing unplanned pregnancies weren't killing their children at a high enough rate and turning to largely religiously run crisis pregnancy centers for support and counseling. […]

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December 7, 2016
The fall of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Before I was born, the Southern Poverty Law Center was, along with the NAACP, a bastion of the civil rights movement. The organization has spent decades fighting racism, segregation and bigotry. That period of the group's history is no more. The SPLC has moved on from its noble beginnings to a new era where it […]

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November 11, 2016
Election aftermath

Before Tuesday night's election, the worry among many in the media was how Donald Trump supporters would respond once Hillary Clinton's victory was official. This wasn't necessarily a hollow concern; in the election aftermath some Trump supporters had vowed to protest and a handful had even suggested the need to resort to violence if the […]

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November 9, 2016
President-elect Trump

So, Donald Trump is president-elect. For the first time in about 20 years I spent election night on a date with my wife and enjoyed a movie (Doctor Strange—Very fun.) instead of glued to the TV and internet watching as returns rolled in. I entered last night knowing that no matter who won I wouldn't […]

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October 31, 2016
Libertarian Party prognosis

For my Sunday column in the San Luis Obispo Tribune, I interviewed local Libertarian Party president and perennial U.S. Senate candidate Gail Lightfoot. My talk with Lightfoot lasted for just over an hour and, while there are some things upon which we disagree, our areas of agreement are broader than those I would have with the […]

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October 17, 2016
My weekend column and other thoughts

My weekend column for the local media outlet, the San Luis Obispo Tribune is available and it focuses on the contempt too many politicians—both left and right—have for our constitution. I think we'd have a much less divided and contentious nation if there was less government meddling in places where it has no constitutional sanction. The […]

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October 1, 2016
Dawn Ortiz-Legg continued

My column in this week's San Luis Obispo Tribune addresses a TV ad from local Assembly candidate Democrat Dawn Ortiz-Legg attacking her GOP opponent Jordan Cunningham. Ms. Ortiz-Legg was kind enough to spend about 20 minutes on the phone addressing various issues of interest to me. Gun control Ortiz-Legg's website has a single paragraph devoted to […]

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September 28, 2016
Media Bias, Part Eleventy-Billion

On Twitter yesterday, Sarah Quinlan posted a couple of pictures to some tweets from the supposedly non-partisan Associated Press. Instead we are provided with yet another example of subtle media bias. Unfortunately, like just about every other mainstream media publication, the Associated Press is staffed by journalists who are overwhelmingly liberal, hence this tweet: BREAKING: […]

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September 22, 2016
Debate moderators should facilitate, not fact-check

The inclusion of “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace as one of the moderators for this fall’s presidential debates sparked a firestorm when he told colleague and media reporter Howard Kurtz that it wasn’t his job as a moderator to fact-check the candidates during the actual debate. I do not believe that it is my […]

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