Congratulations President Obama

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on November 5, 2008

We'll set aside politics for a moment to note that this is a truly momentous day. The American people, less than 50 years removed from Jim Crow, have elected a mixed race man President of the United States. Let us hope and pray that that fact is not the sum total of his achievements as president.

Courtesy of Stones Cry Out comes an appropriate verse:

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.

- Romans 13:1-5 ESV

I think the Obama presidency will be Jimmy Carter's second term -- and I hope and pray that I am wrong.

I fear that the world just became a more dangerous place because Obama, contra Joe Biden, does not have a backbone of steel.

I fear our economy will continue to tank as Democrats clamp down on energy production to try to fight non-existent global warming. No coal (clean or otherwise), no drilling, no nuclear.

I fear that the abolishment of the secret ballot in union elections will result in more, larger, criminal enterprises as union thugs pressure workers and destroy businesses -- and I've got George McGovern on my side on this one for crying out loud.

I fear that before 2010 Obama and Senate Democrats will use the nuclear option on judges -- and the New York Times editorial page will enthusiastically applaud.

I fear that Obama can manage to lose a war in Iraq that appears almost won.

McCain wasn't an ideal candidate either, but with the exception of Ron Paul and Bob Barr acolytes, you've really only got two choices. McCain, for all his faults (immigration, drilling in ANWR, McCain-Feingold, Guantanamo, etc.), could still be reasoned with.

Many voters have bet on Obama being another Bill Clinton -- a DLC-moderate democrat. Obama doesn't have that history. In fact, none of the heads of the Democrat cerberus of Reid, Pelosi and Obama has shown evidence of having a moderate bone in their bodies.

I hope I'm wrong and Obama governs from the center-left. But I won't be surprised if he doesn't.

0 comments on “Congratulations President Obama”

  1. With Obama at the helm, I think our country will go down the tubes. I just hope the liberal, left-wing illuminatis goes down with us! He wants to "talk" with the likes of Ahmadinejad with no restrictions, destroy the coal industry, no production of energy, get rid of the secret ballot in union elections, etc. Was this alone not enough to have people question his judgment for the office of President? Yet, they still voted for him. Thanks to them, we now have a spineless socialist in the White House who will do the bidding of the Democrats and destroy us all.

  2. Okay, a black man got elected President.

    I will pray for him, and for the country, and submit to rule as is appropriate for a Christian.

    But the only things this says about race and politics are that blacks will vote for a black man some whites will vote on the basis of race, regardless of any other issues. It also demonstrates (as if it needed demonstrating) that those on the dole will vote for whomever promises them another handout.

    When -what is it, 97% - of any particular major group all vote one way it destroys the democratic process. If 97% of all WASPs voted for one candidate what do you think we would see? If 97% of all Hispanics voted for one candidate what do you think we would see? What if 97% of all those with any Irish blood in them voted for one candidate?

    Let us be truly blind to race and let us THINK about our votes.

  3. "Let us hope and pray that that fact is not the sum total of his achievements as president."

    Sorry, but that IS the sum total of his achievement so far. That and the fact that 99% of the people who voted for him, if asked, probably have not one idea about what he stands for (far left politics), what he has done (nothing), or the connections he has to a lot of perverted and sick characters (Ayers, Farrakhan, Wright - just for openers).

    At least when Jimmy Carter came in, he was a former Governor. He was a putz and a dickweed, but he had some experience running things. Obama has none.

    My question is: how long before he is handed a challenge that needs his attention and he freezes like a deer caught in the headlights because he is woefully unprepared to be President? Hell, he is woefully unprepared to be a US Senator and, judging from his record, he did a rather piss-poor job at it.


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November 2008



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