I'm still feeling miserable, but here's today's evidence that the MSM doesn't know squat -- and is apparently proud of it.
How did Newsweek convince Gov. Sarah Palin to pose with a rifle for its cover?
Simple. It didn't.
Instead, it used an archive (fancy speak for old) stock photo of her taken back in June 2002 and used it for the cover without her knowledge.
However, to the magazine's credit, it did not try to hide the fact that it's a stock photo, even printing circa 2002 on the cover and again referencing the date in editor Jon Meacham's letter entitled "The Palin Problem."
So that makes it OK.
Right? Or maybe not? What do you think?
Hey, is that even the right way to hold a rifle? Can't you shoot your foot off like that?
Just wondering.
Here's the cover in question.
It's a shotgun, not a rifle.
When the breech is open and it's unloaded, no, you can't shoot your foot off like that.
Los Angeles Times blogger Elizabeth Snead forgot the first rule of blogging -- don't blog while stupid.