This week the GOP's most sensitive senator, George Voinovich of Ohio, finally got over his emotional outburst at the thought of John Bolton being the U.S. representative to the U.N.
Voinovich said that his observations are that "while Bolton is not perfect, he has demonstrated his ability, especially in recent months, to work with others and follow the president's lead by working multilaterally."
Bolton hasn't changed one iota. Voinovich, on the other hand, has apparently gotten his inner-14-year-old-girl under control.
There's still going to e a battle in the Senate over Bolton. Sen. Christopher Dodd, who last week made the laughable claim that peace in the Middle East had been within reach if only the Bush administration had concentrated on removing the Jew-hatred from Arab hearts -- without removing the heart itself, has vowed to fight Bolton's renomination because he is not nearly as big a wimp as the Democrats would prefer.
This is just a reminder to the D-Conn., elections matter. If you don't want people like Bolton at the U.N., then maybe you should try winning an election instead of whining about it afterwards.