
Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on April 2, 2006

When Wisconsin Democrat Senator Russ Feingold chose as his star witness before the Senate Judiciary Committee disgraced Watergate lawyer John Dean, you knew that the censure resolution was a joke. They couldn't manage a Cass Sunstein, a Larry Tribe or any other prominent constitutional expert to make their case for them, they had to settle for a convicted felon.

Democrats seem to have some weird affinity for people with absolutely no credibility. Does anyone doubt that Dean would be laughed out of the hearing room -- by both sides -- if he sat there and said that what President Bush did was perfectly legal? Disgraced journalist David Brock is a similar story. When he came out to confess his "conservative sins," the fact that he was exposing himself as a liar and a fraud was quickly forgotten and forgiven. Did Brock disappear into anonymity like other disgraced journalists? Nope, he was given millions of dollars to start Media Matters for America.

Any Judiciary Committee hearing that features John Dean and doesn't have as its goal discussion of increased sentences for white collar criminals is downright silly.


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