Congratulations on making it over here from blogspot. All the posts are here. Comments, unfortunately are not. I understand that WordPress could've brought many of them over, but I didn't start out the process correctly ... well it's a long story.
I've also fixed the titles of most of January's posts, the importer brought them over as their blogger postID number. I was on blogspot before they came up with a separate post title field and never switched over. I'll try to spend a little time going through the archives and fixing things, but if you still find something missing or out of place, give me a little time -- I've only got north of 3,300 posts to fix.
I encourage you to check out JuiceCaster if you so desire. It's got some pretty impressive features and I anticipate using it as a kind of quasi-myspace/community forum.
If you've got any questions, feel free to shoot me an e-mail @ hoystory -at- cox -dot- net.