April 14, 2021
After nearly 25 years, an arrest in the Kristen Smart case

On May 25, 1996, at 2 a.m., 19-year-old Cal Poly freshman Kristen Smart was last seen at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Perimeter Road on the Cal Poly campus with fellow student Paul Flores. Just a month short of 25 years later, Flores, the last person to see Smart alive, was charged with her […]

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January 25, 2021
The media landscape during the Biden administration

I'm scheduled to go on the Dave Congalton Hometown Radio show on 920 KVEC shortly to talk about the media in a Biden administration (some of which I discussed in the post below) and what conservative news sources I reference. First, the conservative news sources I reference on a regular basis. The Wall Street Journal editorial […]

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August 24, 2020
Politics on Facebook

For the record, I try to keep politics off my personal Facebook page. I'm a segregationist; Politics is on Twitter, what's going on in my life is on Facebook. (Watch someone take that out of context.) However, if other people are putting all their political garbage on Twitter, I will occasionally comment. Which brings us […]

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August 4, 2020
Talking California Taxes

I'll be on Dave Congalton's show in less than an hour talking California taxes. Late last week, Democrats in Sacramento unveiled a plan that would raise taxes on millionaires. Specifically, AB 1253 would add a new section to the Revenue and Taxation Code to provide the following three higher tax rates (in addition to the […]

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June 9, 2020
Woke journalists and the New York Times—On the Radio

I'm scheduled to make an appearance on Dave Congalton's Hometown Radio show this evening to talk about this op-ed by Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton and the fallout that resulted in Editorial Page Editor James Bennet's ouster at the hands of mostly younger, woke journalists. I'll update this post with the audio today or tomorrow when […]

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January 22, 2019
Ill-served by the media

We're being ill-served by the media. Despite the oft-repeated chest-thumping that "Democracy Dies in Darkness," or "Speaking Truth to Power," the majority of the mainstream media is suffering from both Trump Derangement Syndrome—the inclination to take any claim which puts Donald Trump in a bad light as automatically true—and simply lazy reporting. That was the […]

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January 8, 2019
Media Bias at the Local Level

Yesterday, radio talk show host Dave Congalton marked his 27th year hosting his Hometown Radio show on 920 KVEC in San Luis Obispo. One of his guests was Joe Tarica, the San Luis Obispo Tribune's new editor. You can listen to the interview here. Before taking calls (including mine) for the second half of the show, […]

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June 26, 2017
Defending the 2nd Amendment

A couple of weeks ago I volunteered to go on local radio host Dave Congalton's show in the wake of the shootings in Alexandria, Va., and San Francisco, defending the 2nd Amendment from the inevitable calls for more (ineffectual) gun control. You can listen to my appearance here, but William Moser wasn't happy with my […]

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March 4, 2017
Radio Appearance

Yesterday I had the opportunity to talk with local radio talk show host Dave Congalton on his Hometown Radio show on 920 KVEC for an hour. You can find the audio of our discussion here. We talked briefly about the decision of the San Luis Obispo Tribune to let me go as their conservative columnist, media bias […]

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October 17, 2016
My weekend column and other thoughts

My weekend column for the local media outlet, the San Luis Obispo Tribune is available and it focuses on the contempt too many politicians—both left and right—have for our constitution. I think we'd have a much less divided and contentious nation if there was less government meddling in places where it has no constitutional sanction. The […]

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