Hoystory endorses

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on November 7, 2005

Tomorrow is election day here in California, and if you've already turned in your ballot by absentee you can go ahead and vote again -- especially if you happen to live in King County, Wash.

On a more serious note: Voting is a test. If your answers don't match mine then you're wrong -- that's all there is to it.

Prop. 73 -- Yes -- minor girls have to notify their parents if they are going to have an abortion. Notify, not get consent. You've got to sign a permission slip for them to go on a field trip to school, but not to have an abortion. I realize this is a blue state -- but it's not that blue.

Prop. 74 -- No -- this would increase the number of years to get tenure from two to five years. All this is is an attempt to silence teachers -- some of whom actually vote Republican -- from participating in the political process. If you've got a really crummy teacher this doesn't help administrators get rid of them any easier. Frankly, the risk is greater for incompetence at the other end of the spectrum as you're more likely to get longtime teachers going ROAD. (Military term: Retired on Active Duty.)

Prop. 75 -- YES -- this is the so-called paycheck protection law. This would require public employee unions to get members' permission before taking money to spend on political campaigning. The arguments against this measure have been less than convincing. The typical complaint is that this puts a burden on unions that corporations don't have. Which reminds me of what my mother would often tell me growing up: "Just because Johnny's doing it doesn't make it right." What really turned me on to this was a news story about the head of the California Teachers Association refusing to publish a note in one of their publications to members informing them that they could opt-out of dues paytments form political lobbying. I have a feeling that after this passes that they'll publish a note in each of their publications urging members to opt-in.

Prop. 76 -- YES -- This causes Democrats to freak out, which is enough to advocate it's passage. The measure is an effort to rein in spending and gives the governor more power over the budget. Whether it is Schwarzenegger in the governor's office or a Democrat, it's easier to hold one person (the governor) responsible than a slew of legislators in gerrymandered districts.

Prop. 77 -- YES -- speaking of gerrymandered districts, this would put a stop to them. Among the automated phone calls I've received in recent days, have been three supporting Prop. 77 made by Sen. John McCain, the Governator and State Sen. Tom McClintock. Those opposing Prop. 77 are Judge Wapner and FrontPageMag.com's David Horowitz. Non-gerrymandered districts may very well mean fewer Republicans in the state legislature and the Congress in the short term. In the long term, however, we will have more moderates and fewer extremists in the legislature as politicians have to appeal to more than just their bases.

Prop. 78 and 79 -- NO -- Referendums are probably the last place that you want to have decisions made on prescription drugs and medical care.

Prop. 80 -- NO -- Just because there's no reason to reregulate energy in California.

San Diego Mayor -- Jerry Sanders -- Because Donna Frye would just mess it up even more.


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November 2005



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