
Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on May 6, 2005

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman continues his articles bashing America's health care system, ignoring his long-ago promise to offer solutions for Social Security.

There was a brief flurry of outrage when Congress passed the 2003 Medicare bill. The news media reported on the scandalous vote in the House of Representatives: Republican leaders violated parliamentary procedure, twisted arms and perhaps engaged in bribery to persuade skeptical lawmakers to change their votes in a session literally held in the dead of night.

Standard Krugman whine. Oh my gosh! Arm-twisting on the House floor! Lawmakers working into the night! "Violating" parlimentary procedure! The horror, the horror!

This sort of thing never once happened when Democrats were in charge. No, they're pure as the driven snow!


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