Global warming is bunk

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on January 16, 2004

Why do so many scientists say there is credible evidence that evil humans burning fossil fuels is causing the Earth to warm blah blah blah? Simple. Money. Before scientists were concerned about global warming, they were warning us all about the coming ice age. When was that? About 25-30 years ago. The scientists trot out these public policy announcements because they wouldn't get funding for their "studies" without some sort of perceived imminent danger.

(For an excellent analysis of the problems with the global warming cult, read author Michael Crichton's speech at Cal Tech entitled "Aliens cause Global Warming.")

Former Vice President Al Gore, author of the book "Earth in the Balance," decided that today was a good day to attack President Bush for failure to act on "global warming."

(Curiously, The New York Times account of Gore's speech refers to "climate" but never uses the term "global warming." Maybe the Times writers couldn't bring themselves to use the term when it was freezing outside.)

This all occurred on a day when the high temperature in New York City reached a blistering 17 degrees. At 3 a.m. this morning, the temperature there is 1 big fat degree.

And Al Gore blames global warming.

To these global warming cultists any weather is evidence of global warming. A hot, early summer? Global warming. A monsoon in India? Global warming. The coldest day in 40some years in New York? Global warming. Some guy farts in the airplane bathroom? Global warming.

The truth is that scientists don't understand how the climate works -- but they're too proud and arrogant to admit it. Is the Earth warming? Maybe. Is it cooling? Maybe. Is human activity causing whatever is happening? Probably not.


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January 2004



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