Tonight's "60 Minutes II" features a State Department career foreign service officer who claims that the U.S. intelligence regarding Iraq was "sexed up" a la Andrew Gilligan.
But that's not all, if you watch the video preview (follow the link above and look for the video link on the right), CBS newsman Scott Pelley asks the former State Dept. official, Greg Thielmann, if Iraq posed an "imminent threat" to the United States.
Thielmann responds: "No. I think it didn't even constitute an imminent threat to its neighbors, at the time we went to war."
Scroll down, Bush never made the case for war against Iraq based on an "imminent threat" -- but too many in the media are preoccupied with dishonestly attacking the Bush administration. I'm set up to record tonight's episode -- we'll see just how unfair and unbalanced it is. The video preview suggests that it will be very unfair and unbalanced -- not to mention dishonest.