November 2, 2023
October 7 and the Evil Here and Abroad

It's taken me a while to digest what happened in southern Israel on October 7. I realize it's not really informative or productive to publish a blog post that consists of little more than outrage and expletives over what was the largest single-day loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust. In the days and weeks […]

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November 9, 2022
The Red Wave That Wasn't

In a midterm election where inflation over the past year has topped 8 percent, gasoline prices top $5/gallon in California and are nearly $4/gallon in most other states, well over half of those polled say the country is on the wrong track, and Joe Biden's job approval at just 42 percent, the Republican Party fell […]

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October 5, 2021
A republic, if you can keep it

In 1787, as Benjamin Franklin exited Independence Hall in Philadelphia he was asked what form of government the Founders had settled on. He replied: "A republic…if you can keep it." We've had a good run, but it appears as though it's ending. We still have a republican "form" of government on paper, but over the […]

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August 16, 2021
The Afghanistan Betrayal

Watching the videos coming out of Afghanistan evokes both outrage and despair. After 20 years making sure that Afghanistan would not become a safe haven for terrorists who would plot another 9/11, President Joe Biden turned an ill-advised withdrawal into a debacle. He betrayed the American people who spent blood and treasure there. He betrayed […]

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April 27, 2021
Masks, the CDC, and Incompetent Government

Earlier today the Centers for Disease Control released new guidelines on where masks should be used. As has been the norm since the beginning of this pandemic, the United States government, first under Donald Trump and now under Joe Biden, has done a less than stellar job of communicating with the public. The mask flyer […]

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April 18, 2021
Our Horrible Media: Hacked Materials Edition

I'm strongly considering changing the name of this website, and its focus, to the things our horrible media does. It's not like there's a dearth of material—and you'd see more of it if I had more time and I could get people to pay me for it. (Substack?) Late last week an organization called Distributed […]

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March 29, 2021
Newsweek needs to shut down its 'Fact-checking' Operation

Newsweek magazine, which just over a decade ago sold for $1 and the assumption of tens of millions of dollars in liabilities, has a fact-checking operation. They should shut it down. Our last Newsweek fact-checking episode Earlier this year I pointed out the magazine's atrocious fact check regarding President Joe Biden's since-confirmed assistant secretary of […]

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March 15, 2021
President Biden, press conferences, and the media

We've passed the 50 day mark of the Biden presidency ("America Held Hostage") and the new president has yet to hold a press conference. His past 15 predecessors all held at least one in their first 33 days in office. There's a lot of speculation on the political right about why Biden is sticking to […]

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January 25, 2021
The media landscape during the Biden administration

I'm scheduled to go on the Dave Congalton Hometown Radio show on 920 KVEC shortly to talk about the media in a Biden administration (some of which I discussed in the post below) and what conservative news sources I reference. First, the conservative news sources I reference on a regular basis. The Wall Street Journal editorial […]

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August 24, 2020
Politics on Facebook

For the record, I try to keep politics off my personal Facebook page. I'm a segregationist; Politics is on Twitter, what's going on in my life is on Facebook. (Watch someone take that out of context.) However, if other people are putting all their political garbage on Twitter, I will occasionally comment. Which brings us […]

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March 2025



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