April 3, 2007
Three days late?

Someone please tell me that this is a belated April Fools joke. The government of Belgium's French-speaking region of Wallonia, which has a population of about 4 million, has approved a tax on barbequing, local media reported. Experts said that between 50 and 100 grams of CO2, a so-called greenhouse gas, is emitted during barbequing. […]

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April 2, 2007
McQ is not happy

McQ over at QandO rips into the claims that the April 15 deadline on passing a supplemental appropriations bill for the Iraq war isn't really a deadline at all. [In other words], what the Democrats are saying is let the wounded and military dependents suffer the consequences of the monetary shortage. Let problems like Walter […]

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April 2, 2007
Pollution, EPA and the Supreme Court

The silly liberals on the Supreme Court (and the whichever way the wind blows Anthony Kennedy), have ruled that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and the Environmental Protection Agency has to seriously consider regulating its production. This particular argument has been bugging me to no end. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Heck, let's try […]

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April 1, 2007
But they support the troops!

Great Britain is no longer a great power -- and it's not because of a lack of military might. A recent poll commissioned by the Daily Telegraph (U.K.) reveals that British public opinion is pretty cool with the capture of their sailors and Royal Marines by the Iranians. 7% favour preparing for miltiary action at […]

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April 1, 2007
Are you offended easily?

That was the title of a Monty Python skit that appeared on several of their albums. It consisted mainly of suggestive sounds and even the words "Wankel rotary engine." I apologize if I offended anyone by writing that. Well, it turns out that some members of the National Association of Black Journalists are too offended […]

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April 1, 2007
Angling for Cafferty's job?

Either that, or he's bucking for unemployment. If this report from Drudge is true, then any action by CNN short of firing reporter Michael Ware is not enough. During a live press conference in Bagdad, Senators McCain and Graham were heckled by CNN reporter Michael Ware. An official at the press conference called Ware’s conduct […]

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April 1, 2007
What is "marginalized"?

The talking heads on "Fox News Watch" just got done talking about the vapid moron that is Rosie O'Donnell and her pronouncements that the British plotted for their 15 sailors to get captured and that the destruction of WTC 7 was an inside job. "Media writer" Neal Gabler -- once again, who the heck publishes […]

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March 30, 2007
He was probably asking for it

The latest news from the Religion of Pieces: The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has just learned that an Ethiopian evangelist named Tedase was beaten to death by militant Muslims on Monday, March 26th, as he and two young women were on a street evangelism assignment in Jimma, Ethiopia. This marks […]

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March 30, 2007
Attacks on PBS

When the GOP tries to add some balance to PBS programming or threatens to cut off funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting there's a firestorm of controversy and charges about the evil Republicans. Now there's a new complaint about PBS, and threats to its funding, but barely a whimper in the press. Why? Because […]

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March 30, 2007
The double standard

The New York Times, so quick to allege U.S. breaches of the Geneva Conventions where there are none -- as in the case of unlawful combatants -- are not so interested in highlighting other nations' violations. The Washington Post has been little better. It has published online various Associated Press articles noting Geneva Conventions violations […]

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