August 27, 2015
A stupid proposal

I'll write a longer piece on the tragic assassination of two journalists on live TV yesterday in Virginia later. There's a lot of stupid floating around on the Web right now and I just wanted to highlight one small part of it. Here's a stupid proposal from filmmaker and propagandist Michael Flint. Modest Proposal#2:TIME says […]

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August 23, 2015
Carly on California's Drought

Newsbusters highlighted some common sense on the part of GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina on NBC News' "Meet the Press" this morning. Host Chuck Todd presented Fiorina with the common, accepted liberal wisdom that climate change is contributing to the drought and wildfires that are plaguing her home state of California. As Fiorina noted, droughts […]

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August 22, 2015
True, but conservative

If you read any of the critics of the self-appointed fact-checkers at Politifraud, you'll realize that the media organization is far from the unbiased referee it pretends to be. It's a left-wing media organization through and through. One that's actually worse that most at suppressing its biases. Today's case in point is a Politifact Georgia "fact-check" […]

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August 13, 2015

This is hilarious. In the spirit of the Downfall parody videos, we bring you Klintondämmerung! It's been a bad week for Hillary Clinton, and it's just going to get worse.

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August 11, 2015
Clinton's Email Security

After months of requests, former Secretary of State, and current Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton finally turned over her infamous personal email server to the FBI. But the real news today is that Clinton's email security was a joke. We're safe in assuming that the Russians, Chinese and any other half-way interested party (but not Congress […]

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August 9, 2015
Chuck Schumer is right on the Iran Deal

As a general rule, it's hard to go wrong taking the opposite position of New York Sen. Chuck Schumer on just about any subject of public import. Gun-control, healthcare, government spending, whatever, find out which side Schumer is on and choose the other. Which brings us to eight words I never thought I'd say or […]

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July 29, 2015
Prior restraint

The Center for Medical Progress has released three videos over the past few weeks featuring some pretty grotesque stuff. As if the violence and horror of abortion itself wasn't enough, Planned Parenthood appears to be adjusting the procedure so as to recover as many intact fetal organs so they can be sold to companies like […]

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July 26, 2015
Clinton, Rubio and the media

For his first few years at The New York Times, columnist Paul Krugman was my punching bag. His dishonest, hack columns were perfect material for easy rabbit punches that had a devastating effect. My takedowns of his dishonest columns received widespread notice in a variety of national publications and in conservative Washington circles. Then the Times […]

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July 19, 2015
Ignoring the news

I follow National Journal columnist and former AP White House correspondent Ron Fournier on Twitter. Mainly for the entertainment value of a mainstream journalist attempting to keep up the façade that he's an unbiased purveyor of truth holding all sides accountable. This morning, Tom Anderson responded to one of Fournier's tweets noting the political sideshow that […]

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July 17, 2015
Soft targets

CNN national security analyst Juliette Kayyem thinks that those of us calling for arming military recruiters are foolish. Stop w/ the "we need to harden soft targets by arming folks." It's dangerous talk. There will always be soft targets. We need to rethink 1/2 — Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) July 17, 2015 Force protection since military […]

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