June 28, 2012
On the politics

Very briefly, there are some in the blogosphere very desperate to find a silver lining in the nonsensical contortions of Chief Justice John Roberts. The theory goes that Roberts somehow knew that upholding this joke of a tax/not-a-tax law would re-energize the Tea Party, short-circuit an effort by President Obama and his allies on the […]

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June 28, 2012
More thoughts on Obamacare

I encourage you to visit the various legal blogs to get well-reasoned analysis of this morning's travesty against the Constitution and the English language. As a layman and someone who respects language and words, a few thoughts: I wouldn't have been so disappointed with today's ruling if Justice Kennedy had wielded the dagger. So, instead […]

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February 12, 2012
President Obama set to announce bacon compromise

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After an announcement by the White House last week that all American restaurants would have to serve bacon on their burgers as part of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Healthy Living” Initiative provoked outrage from Muslim and Jewish organizations, President Obama is set to announce a compromise at a White House ceremony Monday […]

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September 29, 2011
Unfulfilled promise or lie?

Health insurance premiums are climbing, despite President Obama’s promise that if we passed his reform plan they would drop by $2,500 a year for most families. A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation underlines that many of the promises surrounding President Obama’s health care legislation remain unfulfilled, though the White House argues that change […]

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May 29, 2011
That would be a no

And the hits just keep on coming. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was on CBS News’ “Face the Nation.” (via NRO) Do the Democrats have a plan to save Medicare? Do the Democrats have a plan? Smith: But the Trustees also said a couple of Fridays ago that this thing (Medicare) could be insolvent in the next […]

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February 23, 2011
Thoughtcrime has arrived

Democratic appointee Judge Gladys Kessler has upheld Obamacare as constitutional, and in doing so has created the first federal thoughtcrime. As previous Commerce Clause cases have all involved physical activity, as opposed to mental activity, i.e. decision-making, there is little judicial guidance on whether the latter falls within Congress’s power....However, this Court finds the distinction, […]

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February 11, 2011
Obamacare and effects

President Obama admitted after his health care reform bill became law what was obvious to anyone with 1/8th of a brain: You can't increase benefits, expand coverage to 30 million people who don't currently have health insurance and simultaneously reduce costs. Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Now comes […]

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January 26, 2011
I love true or false questions

Rep. Tom McClintock got Chief Medicare Actuary Rick Foster to answer a couple true-false questions: And the transcript: McCLINTOCK: “True or false: The two principle promises that were made in support of Obamacare were one, that it would hold costs down. True or false?” FOSTER: “I would say false, more so than true.” McCLINTOCK: “The […]

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January 23, 2011
The vaccine hoax

I’ve purposely phrased the headline in this post in the hopes that somewhere down the line someone who actually thinks that vaccines cause autism or some other parade of horrors in children. In February 2010, The Lancet retracted a 1998 study that linked vaccines to autism. Earlier this month, the British medical journal BMJ looked […]

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January 18, 2011
It’s come to this

In an effort to defend the indefensible Obamacare law, the Department of Health and Human Services came out with a report claiming that if Obamacare were repealed, 129 million Americans “could be denied affordable coverage.” Think about that number for a minute. There are approximately 311 million Americans. Those over the age of 65 are […]

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