January 17, 2012
Your liberal media

I must confess that I wasn't going to touch the topic of this week's ridiculous Newsweek cover story by the world's most famous gay man to be obsessed with Sarah Palin's vagina. I also wasn't too interested in the predictable "racism" debate that would spring up when some compared the picture of President Barack Obama […]

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January 20, 2010
The man is not this stupid

At least I hope he isn’t. STEPHANOPOULOS: Robert Gibbs was saying that you were surprised and frustrated by the vote [in Massachusetts to elect Republican Scott Brown]. Is that accurate? OBAMA: Well, I think not last night, but certainly I think a lot of us were surprised about where this was going, about a week […]

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December 24, 2009
Blood is thicker than lots of money

Former President Jimmy Carter, author of the excreble “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” has had a conversion experience. Former President Jimmy Carter apologized for any words or deeds that may have upset the Jewish community in an open letter meant to improve an often-tense relationship. He said he was offering an Al Het, a prayer said […]

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September 22, 2009
Obama and Honduras

There was one issue that the fawning mainstream media didn’t bring up over the weekend as President Obama did the rounds of all the Sunday talk shows – except for “Fox News Sunday” – and that was the Obama administration’s outrageous behavior toward the democratic government of Honduras. The Obama administration has repeatedly demanded the […]

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August 12, 2009
Obama and Israel

I hate to say it, but it should come as no surprise to anyone that the man who sat in the pews at Jeremiah Wright’s church for two decades would have imbibed some of the anti-Semitism that was preached from the pulpit. In this, President Barack Obama follows the lead of noted useful idiot and […]

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January 27, 2009
Hamas considered a terrorist group "by some"

Former President Jimmy Carter appeared on the "Today Show" yesterday and demonstrated that he is amoral at best when it comes Arab terrorist groups whose sole aim is to kill all the Jews. Of course, if the press had any sense, they'd stop interviewing the doddering old anti-Semite.

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January 9, 2009
A fool or a tool?

Our worst ex-president had an op-ed piece in yesterday's Washington Post that must be read to believe. Carter accuses Israel of starving the people in Gaza and accepts Hamas' explanation that the only way that they can fight back is to launch thousands of rockets into Israel. Apparently Hamas can't smuggle in food, but they've […]

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April 24, 2008
Ramirez nails it

Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez of Investors Business Daily nails our former president.

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December 21, 2007
Huckabee and the world

I finally got around to reading presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee's essay in Foreign Affairs a couple days back, and I must confess that there's enough miss in his hit-and-miss outline that he sounds more like Barack Obama than Ronald Reagan. In a New York Times profile last week, Huckabee said that his thinking on foreign […]

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November 12, 2007
Political moms

Sen. John McCain's mom caused a minor brouhaha on the campaign trail with this little observation. When asked about former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s experience by Hardball host Chris Matthews, Roberta McCain, who’s campaigning in New Hampshire with her son at the age of 95, said "as far as the Salt Lake City thing, he's […]

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