August 1, 2004
Dukes of Hazzard

Thanks to Neflix I've been watching the first of three DVDs of the old Dukes of Hazzard TV series. The video quality is pretty good, but they should have spent some time cleaning up the audio before transfering the shows to DVD. The show first aired in 1979 and it's interesting, 25 years later, to […]

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July 27, 2004
Fisking Jimmah

I was at work yesterday evening when the volume was turned up on many of the ubiquitous TV sets to listen to former President Jimmy Carter address the Democrat convention. It was all I could do to contain some of my comments as several reporters lined up to watch. My name is Jimmy Carter, and […]

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April 28, 2003
On Jimmy Carter

Some people have asked me to remove former President Carter from the trading block for imprisoned Cuban dissidents. While I will concur that his work with Habitat for Humanity is good and noble work, his dealings on the international stage, show, at best willful ignorance when it comes to some of the people he's embraced. […]

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December 10, 2002
Jimmy Carter and the Peace Prize

I just saw a bit of Carter's speech after he was presented with the Nobel Peace Prize. Carter said: War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always evil. Never good. War is always evil. Never good? The Revolutionary War? Evil or Good? The Civil War? Which resulted in […]

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October 23, 2002
A Nobel Prize for Coolidge's James Taranto reports today that may have convinced him that Jimmy Carter did deserve a Nobel Peace Prize because: "Okay, so the late seventies were dreary. Is that any reason to begrudge a man his Nobel? People were tired; the previous fifteen years had been feverish. And Jimmy Carter was, to the public, […]

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