July 15, 2008
Continuing to rewrite history

Sen. Barack Obama has done it again. As noted yesterday, in an op-ed in the New York Times, Obama changed his explanation on his opposition to the surge. For the past year and a half, Obama has claimed that the surge wouldn't work, would actually increase violence and would get more Americans killed. Now that […]

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July 14, 2008
Barack Obama's Iraq "Plan"

Sen. Barack Obama took to the pages of the New York Times today to outline his plan to "end" the war in Iraq. Of course, there's no "ending" of war -- you either win or you lose. But what's most interesting to me is Obama's attempt to rewrite history -- and will anyone in the […]

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July 8, 2008
Say what?!?

The New York Times reports: BAGHDAD — American and Iraqi officials have completed nearly the last chapter in dismantling Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program with the removal of hundreds of tons of natural uranium from the country’s main nuclear site. The uranium, which was removed several weeks ago, arrived in Canada over the weekend, according to […]

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June 23, 2008
Whiplash warning

Former Sen. Tom Daschle was on "Fox News Sunday" yesterday morning when the following exchange occurred: Chris Wallace: Sen. Daschle, now that we are finally making progress in Iraq, why is Sen. Obama still determined to get all of our troops out within 16 months? Daschle: Well Chris, I think that's the whole question. Why […]

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June 16, 2008
A second honest liberal

James Kirchick of the New Republic follows the lead of Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt. This may sound like ancient history, but it matters. After Sept. 11, President Bush did not want to risk allowing Hussein, who had twice invaded neighboring nations, murdered more than 1 million Iraqis and stood in violation of […]

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June 10, 2008
That Senate report

Last week, Senate Democrats released a report that provided "proof" for the "Bush lied, people died" slander. In a statement accompanying the report, Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, the West Virginia Democrat who is chairman of the intelligence panel, said, “The president and his advisers undertook a relentless public campaign in the aftermath of the […]

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June 4, 2008
Cleaning up the tabs

I've got a bunch of tabs open in my browser again that I've been meaning to write about, but there hasn't been much time available to me, so here are the links: The Washington Post's Robert Samuelson takes aim at the "Cap-and-Trade" program for greenhouse gases and finds that is more aptly named "Cap-and-tax." The […]

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May 28, 2008
The invasion of Iraq

Philip Bobbitt, professor at law at Columbia University and the University of Texas School of law who served on the National Security Council for Presidents Clinton and Carter, appeared last week on the Dennis Prager radio show to pitch his book Terror and Consent Surprisingly, he sounds a lot like a dying breed -- the […]

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March 30, 2008
Matt Maupin, RIP

The remains of Sgt. Matt Maupin, captured by terrorists four years ago, have been found.

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March 26, 2008
Well worth the money

It should come as little surprise when you consider how completely Saddam Hussein was able to corrupt the United Nations and its oil-for-palaces program that he was also able to corrupt three liberal Democrats. Saddam Hussein's intelligence agency footed the bill for a U.S. congressional delegation's trip during a buildup to the Iraq war, according […]

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