February 2, 2012
God's politics

We here at Hoystory are all about answering the big questions. So, God: Democrat or Republican? This would tend to provide evidence that it’s the latter.

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October 8, 2011
Ironic stupidity

Look, I’m not a Apple fan. I’m tech-savvy enough that I can blissfully manage on hardware that may not be as elegant as what Apple produces, but is far cheaper. And, frankly, the hagiography in the media over Steve Jobs’ death is just a little over the top. However, this is funny.

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August 22, 2011
A few notes

First, never underestimate the lack of influence this blog has on the Republican Party. Second, Andy Levy’s apology to rapper Chris Brown. Best. Apology. Ever. Finally, Jon Huntsman, go away.

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March 29, 2011
Best Bracket Ever

Courtesy of Zombie comes this: Click on the image for a full-size version.

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October 22, 2010
Your laugh for the day

David Zucker zings Sen. Barbara Boxer, with bonus cameo by the sane Howard brother.

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October 12, 2010
Videos of the day

First, we have the Democratic Senate candidate from South Carolina, Alvin Greene. The only thing funnier than O’Donnell’s ridiculous questions are Greene’s ridiculous answers. You want some evidence the media leans left? Greene has received just a fraction of the attention for his wackiness that Christine O’Donnell has.   Last week there was a big hubbub […]

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April 11, 2010
Bon Mot

Here’s a good one via Hot Air: “It’s been 60 years since we went to war in Korea,” said [Congressman Ron] Paul. “Why do we have to have troops there?” “North Korea!” yelled a heckler.

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February 4, 2010
A bit of historical fun
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January 20, 2010
Your laugh for the day

UPDATE Had to swap out the video because some moron added some bolshevik storytelling graphic to it and ruined it. This one appears to be unadulterated.

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October 7, 2009
From comedy to farce

Saturday night, “Saturday Night Live” opened with this sketch. Yes, that’s a comedian, pretending to be President Barack Obama, making jokes. Yes, that was stating the obvious. Unless you’re CNN, then you decide that these jokes are worthy of a fact-check. Do you remember CNN “fact-checking” when Tina Fey/Sarah Palin falsely stated (for effect) that […]

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