August 22, 2012
Can’t stop the stupid

Well, a few months back Newsweek declared Barack Obama our first gay president. It turns out in 2012, Democrats are running the first all-gay ticket. Which three exactly? Cue: “If Sarah Palin had said it…”

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August 7, 2012
Lies Obama told me

The left-wing Tax Policy Center and Obama’s sycophantic media (and Politifraud which rates it “Mostly True”) have joined up to look at the broad outlines and principles of Mitt Romney’s tax plan and decided that Republicans plan to raise taxes on the middle class while cutting them for the wealthy. The Wall Street journal has […]

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August 1, 2012
Can’t stop the stupid

Given the opportunity to look like an honest man, Harry Reid has decided to go for broke on his big lie. On Wednesday, Reid stuck to his story, and broadened it. "I am not basing this on some figment of my imagination," Reid said in a telephone call with Nevada reporters. "I have had a […]

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July 31, 2012
The tragedy of repeated concussive head injuries

The stupid just cannot be contained. Sen. Harry Reid, the Democrat head of the U.S. Senate: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years. In […]

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July 14, 2012
All your business are belong to us

President Obama today held a campaign rally at a high school in Virginia. In an effort to channel  his inner Elizabeth Warren, he decided to lecture the dependent class on how everyone is dependent, so don't feel bad. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The mind […]

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June 21, 2012
Go sell crazy someplace else

Words fail me. It's not about thousands of guns allowed to go to Mexican drug cartels. It's not about hundreds of dead Mexicans. It's not about Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. It's not about ICE Agent Jaime Zapata. Nope, Republicans want Attorney General Eric Holder to turn over documents related to a gunrunning operation because […]

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May 31, 2012
Your tax dollars at work

This might be funny if it weren't for the fact that these are tax dollars and real people's livelihood involved. A politically connected, taxpayer-funded solar firm announced a massive round of furloughs on Friday, just weeks after its chairman told Congress his company was “financially strong.” First Solar, an Arizona-based solar panel manufacturer that received […]

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May 25, 2012
Politifraud continues

It wasn't just Politifraud's "fact"-check of that Crossroads GPS ad that drew my ire this week as I looked at their latest analyses. It was also this whopper that purported to show that the same president who's presided over the addition of $5 trillion to the national debt in less than five years—and would've spent […]

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May 16, 2012

If there's one thing that President Barack Obama has managed to do over the past two years it's been to bring Democrats and Republicans together—in unanimous opposition to his budget. A budget resolution based on President Obama’s 2013 budget failed to get any votes in the Senate on Wednesday. In a 99-0 vote, all of […]

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May 7, 2012
Idiot of the Day

Here in San Luis Obispo County, plastic grocery bags are soon to become a thing of the past. They're useful, cheap and convenient, so they must be snuffed out in the name of doing it "for the children." It seems Los Angeles may be following suit. I want to highlight two items regarding this isssue. […]

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