Does McCain have it won?

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on January 30, 2008

Sen. John McCain won the Florida primary Tuesday by almost five points. Following wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina, McCain has definitely become the GOP frontrunner. If the rumors of a Giuliani endorsement prove true, then McCain will likely be the GOP nominee.

Color me unenthusiastic.

Should McCain become the nominee, then I'll hold my nose and vote for him. He will be better than Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or John Edwards.

But, of all the Republicans running for president, McCain would've been my penultimate choice -- coming in ahead of only Ron Paul (Nut-Texas).

Next Tuesday, I'll head to the polls and vote for Mitt Romney. Romney is far from perfect. His Republican and Democratic opponents can fairly tag him with the "flipper" label (to be a flip-flopper, he'd have to go back to being pro-choice, etc.). You have to take the candidates at face value, unless they give you a simultaneous reason to doubt their sincerity. (For example.)

On every issue except winning the war in Iraq, Romney, Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson are better on the issues than McCain. Fred's out, of course. And Rudy may be out later today.

I know some of you are McCain backers, but I don't think you should vote for him and not know where he's wrong -- and he's proudly, arrogantly wrong.

  • Campaign-finance "reform" -- an assault on the First Amendment
  • Immigration "reform" -- his "promises" of securing the border first ring hollow
  • Judges -- I fear McCain would get us more Kennedys and Souters rather than Scalias, Alitos, Roberts's or Thomas's.
  • Judges II -- His decision to throw some good judges under the bus to preserve the extra-constitutional filibuster run by the Democrats was despicable.
  • Waterboarding -- He's taken an obnoxiously utilitarian line on this one. He denounces it as "torture" and says it should be illegal while at the same time saying that the president should be willing to resort to "torture" in the ticking-time-bomb scenario.
  • Health care -- He's suggested that we re-import drugs from Canada and that pharmaceutical companies are "evil." Apparently the only good drug company is a broke one that can't afford the R&D to develop new drugs. McCain would cut off his nose to spite his melanoma-free face.
  • ANWR -- McCain has likened the desolate Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge to the Grand Canyon. Maybe McCain needs new glasses.
  • Global warming -- McCain argues that something must be done, even if global warming is natural and unstoppable. I believe the phrase he uses is "What could it hurt?" Well, you could be a one-term president because the economy tanked under your draconian global warming rules.
  • Tax cuts -- It's not necessarily that he was opposed to the Bush tax cuts. It's the rhetoric he used to rail against them. I would've admired McCain for standing on principle and urging spending cuts to go along with tax cuts. Heck, I would've applauded him. But McCain went to the Democratic class-warfare rhetoric -- that's a bridge too far.

McCain's attitude towards conservatives is the topper. It's almost as if he takes some perverse delight in telling us to take a hike. You get the feeling that he wouldn't treat Democrats this way. Here's hoping that an "Anyone But McCain" movement crops up soon.

For those who think that McCain can win over enough independents to defeat sens. Clinton or Obama -- I wouldn't use that as a basis for your vote. It was just a few years ago the Democrats picked their presidential candidate based upon who they thought was "electable" and you saw what it got them.

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