I’m not surprised. I spent 15 years in newspaper newsrooms up and down the left coast. I knew they were populated by and large by the American left. The political theory typically ran from the far, far left to the center left, with an occasional “a pox on both your houses” libertarian here and there. I was an “out” conservative—which is probably a little worse than being openly homosexual at a meeting of Iran’s mullahocracy.
Which is why I have not been surprised that the coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement across the nation by the New York-D.C. national media has been far more apologetic and nuanced than that ever offered to the Tea Parties.
While the national media looked long and hard to find any sign of racism or violence at tea party rallies—and finding none, alleged it anyway—they have excused case after case of odious and criminal misbehavior by OWS.
The double-standard is as odious as it is predictable. The mainstream media isn’t a disinterested teller of the truth. They shouldn’t be surprised when their viewership and readership continues to decline and people who are truly interested and wish to be informed turn to blogs, talk radio and alternative media.