June 13, 2008
Substandard U.S. oil

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is taking her cues from Sen. Chuck Schumer. "We cannot drill our way out of this," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California countered. Opening the wildlife refuge in Alaska would reduce U.S. gasoline prices by one penny per gallon, she said. Change "cannot" to "will not" and she has it […]

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June 11, 2008
Just mail this to every voter

Powerline got a chart from Republican House whip Roy Blunt that makes the case for Republicans better than anything else they could possibly come up with. Send that out with your campaign materials and watch Democrats go apoplectic. Read the methodology postscript over at the Powerline post. It makes it readily apparent that Sen. Chuck […]

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June 11, 2008
Who works for you?

I'm a little amazed that the press didn't give Sen. Barack Obama the "Do-I-Look-Stupid?"-look after he claimed first that the team he's got helping him pick a VP isn't actually working for him because they're unpaid. And I'm even more amazed they didn't laugh out loud when he claimed that the same people -- doing […]

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June 10, 2008
Learn how to run a restaurant first

The Senate, prompted by Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein (the smarter California one), decided by voice vote to privatize the Senate food service. Last year, the Senate had to subsidize the food service to the tune of $1.3 million and the food is "noticeably sub par." (Apparently one of the problems was that the food was […]

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June 10, 2008
Media double standard

Today CNN had as one of its top stories the a "flub" by Sen. John McCain. Instead of saying that he would veto every "bill" he said he would veto every "beer." Not only can you watch video of the misstatement, but CNN.com's people think it's funny enough that you can buy a T-shirt of […]

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June 10, 2008
Knowing your body parts

Out of Texas comes this touching story with a happy ending. When Chad and Keri McCartney say their infant daughter, Macie Hope, is born again, they aren’t referring to religion — the month-old miracle baby really was born twice. The first “birth” was about six months into Keri McCartney’s pregnancy, when surgeons at Texas Children’s […]

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June 10, 2008
That Senate report

Last week, Senate Democrats released a report that provided "proof" for the "Bush lied, people died" slander. In a statement accompanying the report, Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, the West Virginia Democrat who is chairman of the intelligence panel, said, “The president and his advisers undertook a relentless public campaign in the aftermath of the […]

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June 10, 2008
Canada's not alone

After reading my post about Canada's Human Rights Commissions, if you thought that was just north of the border craziness, think again. From Great Britain: The preachers, both ministers in Birmingham, were handing out leaflets on Alum Rock Road in February when they started talking to four Asian youths. A police community support officer (PCSO) […]

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June 9, 2008
Spoils of the book sale

Every other month the San Diego Union-Tribune sells copies of books (and other miscellaneous stuff) sent for review that doesn't make the cut to raise money for charity. Here's what I came away with last week.

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June 9, 2008
Biology 101

Who knew that increasing CO2 could have a beneficial effect? I mean, other than anyone who took biology in high school. They found that over a period of almost two decades, the Earth as a whole became more bountiful by a whopping 6.2%. About 25% of the Earth’s vegetated landmass — almost 110 million square […]

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