Al Gore's secret inconvenient truths

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on April 11, 2008

Al Gore gave an update of his bogus "Inconvenient Truth" slideshow presentation at the close of the RSA computer security conference today -- on the condition that the press not be allowed in.

So, since there's no video of Gore's updated global warming scaremongering, I present to you this lecture from a second-rate scientist in a third-rate country. (via QandO)

Also in environmental news, Anthony Watts, the man who has been spearheading the drive to locate and verify the U.S. temperature stations' compliance with government standards, discovers something wrong in North Loup, Neb.

The money grafs:

Why is a station that is classified as rural, with an apparent cooling bias due to tree cover, with a long history containing only a few moves, in a small agricultural town with little growth in the last century get an adjustment like this that causes the past to get colder, and create an artificially enhanced positive slope of temperature trend?

The nearest “large” city is Grand Island, NE, seen in this map, over 40 miles away. There is nothing but farmland all around North Loup, NE. I don’t care how you try to reason it, an adjustment for a station of this type wouldn’t need to be done for UHI [Urban Heat Island]. So what’s going on? Is this another one of those situation where other stations that have UHI that are within a larger radius are affecting this station and forcing an adjustment?

This is why I have trouble trusting GISS data. We keep finding instances like this one where the historical temperature record has been adjusted for no discernible or apparently logical reason. Cedarville, CA, which I previously highlighted is another prime example of a rural station with a long history, little growth, no UHI, but with an artificially enhanced positive temperature trend.

Don't expect an answer to these inconvenient questions. But look on the good side. As the next ice age begins to develop, the scientists peddling anthropogenic global warming will be able to assure us that the temperature isn't changing at all.


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April 2008



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