Boston Globle columnist Ellen Goodman has a new column out today taking to task "incivil" people. The news hook is the now-twice fired Don Imus, but Goodman also reels in the vicious threats and attacks on tech writer/blogress Kathy Sierra (rightly) for condemnation.
Unsurprisingly, Goodman uttered nary a peep when fellow columnist Michelle Malkin started blogging and the vile insults and threats started almost immediately.
Viewed alone, Goodman's call for civility resonates:
If we cannot rebuild old-time intimate communities, we can push against the anonymity and distance that permits some to dehumanize "others," to hang bloggers in effigy and trash players as ho's.
Civility is for face to face? Then let's uphold a face-to-face standard.
However, it's interesting that Goodman would make this call just a few short weeks after this uncivil action.
I would like to say we're at a point where global warming is impossible to deny. Let's just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers, though one denies the past and the other denies the present and future.
Physician, heal thyself.