January 8, 2006
Inconvenient facts

Despite what the mainstream media and America-hating zealots have been peddling for the past few years, Saddam Hussein was a terror supporter, and we're not just talking about his checks to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. The Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes has been badgering the Bush administration (something he shouldn't have had to do) […]

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January 8, 2006
Chuck Schumer's standards

If you haven't seen it yet, you should read this piece over at National Review on what Sen. Chuck "Credit Report" Schumer has to say about under what circumstances nominees to the Supreme Court have to answer more question. If you guessed that Republican nominees have to answer more than Democrats, you're right!

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January 7, 2006
Is Jonathan Turley practicing full disclosure?

I caught Georgetown Law Professor Jonathan Turley on Fox News last night and it reminded me of something that I'd meant to write about a couple of weeks ago. When the New York Times broke the NSA surveillance story, Turley went on some Fox News program -- I don't remember which one -- and offered […]

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January 7, 2006
They just don't get it

Apparently hate-America-first loony liberals are taking their cue from the New York Times editorial page and demanding "proof" that the disclosure of the NSA surveillance program has hurt national security. As I noted earlier this week, the "proof" will likely arrive the next time we fail to stop an attack. Once again, Powerline has an […]

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January 7, 2006
Nonpartisan isn't all it's cracked up to be

Yesterday the Congressional Research Service, the nonpartisan research arm of Congress, released a report [PDF format] that argues that the NSA surveillance program is not as "well-grounded" legally as the president and his lawyers argue. While the CRS is nonpartisan -- that is, neither Democrat nor Republican -- it still has an unmentioned bias that […]

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January 6, 2006
More reporters and editors going to prison?

Lawyer Scott Johnson over at Powerlineblog.com has an interesting analysis of the law on the New York Times disclosure of the NSA's surveillance program. Johnson makes the case that Times reporters, editors and Publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., violated federal law in publishing the story and could be prosecuted. Is the New York Times a law […]

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January 6, 2006
Why not all judges deserve respect

Judge Edward Cashman is a despicable human being who should be removed from the bench and publicly shunned. There was outrage Wednesday when a Vermont judge handed out a 60-day jail sentence to a man who raped a little girl many,many times over a four-year span starting when she was seven. The judge said he […]

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January 5, 2006
Don't forget to vote

Over at Little Green Footballs they're holding final voting for 2005's Idiotarian of the Year Award. The finalists are Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, The New York Times and Cindy Sheehan. My vote will be going to the country's most disappointing newspaper.

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January 5, 2006
Public Service Announcement

I just wanted to alert any University of Virginia Law School students that you're not getting the best return on your educational dollar -- especially if you're taking Prof. Rosa Brooks constitutional law class.

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January 5, 2006
Idiots of the day

We've got a two-fer. Idiot No. 1 is Iranian Preisident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who today expressed his desire that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon die. I think I can speak for Sharon and many Israelis and Americans by saying: "Right back at ya!" Idiot No. 2 is broadcaster Pat Robertson who suggested that God caused Sharon's […]

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