The murder of Atwar Bahjat

Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on May 7, 2006

The name isn't familiar. Neither is her face to the overwhelming majority of Americans. Atwar Bahjat was one of Iraq's new breed of television journalists. In a country experiencing a free press for the first time in decades, newspapers have been experiencing a boom that American newspapers can only dream of and government run television is also a thing of the past.

Most Americans aren't ever going to see one of Bahjat's reports. Bahjat isn't going to win any prizes or be interviewed by Katie Couric or Barbara Walters.

You see, Bahjat was killed in February by Islamic terrorists after she was abducted while covering a terrorist attack on a Samarra mosque.

Why is this news now? Because the sick monsters who follow an evil, backward religion that last contributed something aside from violence and murder to mankind a thousand years ago used a mobile phone to record their brutal murder.

You can read The Times of London report here. [via Mudville Gazette] Normally I would suggest that you think twice about reading this sort of article, which details the sickening brutality of the monsters who slit Bahjat's neck while chanting "allahu akbar" (which translated means "I'm going straight to hell because I'm a piece of excrement"). But I encourage you to think twice before not reading the article. To the Cindy Sheehans and Michael Moores of the world Bahjat was a collaborator and the scum who gleefully killed her are "freedom fighters."

Bolshevik storytelling.

Don't shut your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and yell, "I can't hear you," when confronted with evil. It isn't "somebody elses problem" when brutality like this occurs.

It's incidents like this that demonstrate that the John Murtha/John Kerry cut-and-runners are not the human rights champions that they like to portray themselves as -- they would willingly condemn the Iraqi people to the whims of these Islamist murderers and turn the nation into a slaughterhouse that makes Darfur look like a Sunday picnic.

*UPDATE* Subsequent reports [scroll down] indicate that the video described in the Times story may not be the murder of Bahjat, but of a Nepalese truck driver. This doesn't make the evil described here any less evil.

0 comments on “The murder of Atwar Bahjat”

  1. nice work with the drill bit in arms, legs - Religion of Peaceâ„¢ my ass. Sharia will happen here over my dead body. Where is the NOW, NPR, Editor and Publisher outcry? Hypocritical asshats


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