August 13, 2019
What if the media covered mass shootings with an eye toward mental health?

Over a two week period, gunmen killed 3 in Gilroy, Calif., 22 in El Paso, Texas, and 9 in Dayton, Ohio. So-called "assault weapons" (aka scary black rifle-looking guns) were used in all three attacks and the shooters had obvious mental health problems. As was entirely predictable, the media immediately focused on guns, guns, guns. […]

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August 3, 2018
Free speech and anti-gun hysteria

This has been a banner week for attacks on free speech and general anti-gun hysteria from the usual corners. Open carry coming soon I spent an hour Monday talking with Dave Congalton about a recent decision from a 3-judge panel of the 9th Circuit that found a right for law-abiding citizens to openly carry a […]

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May 25, 2018
Debating guns

I spent two hours Thursday evening debating guns with William Yanes on the Dave Congalton local talk show on 920 KVEC. You can listen to the two hours here. Hour 1: Hour 2: (Note, I've archived copies of all of my radio appearances and guest hosting gigs. You can find them using the navigation bar […]

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May 24, 2018
A mental health problem, not a gun problem

Last Friday's tragic school shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas should tell us, once again, that we have a serious mental health problem in this country, instead the political left will make it about guns. Not the usual suspects The 17-year-old Texas shooter (Hoystory does not name mass murderers.) killed 10 and wounded […]

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March 31, 2018
Don't bring a knife to a gunfight

I'm sure you've heard the axiom that you don't bring a knife to a gunfight. It really doesn't require much explanation, but for the dimwitted among us, it is basically a warning at attempting a fight with obviously inferior weapons to those of your opponent. In an editorial published last weekend (sorry for the delay, […]

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March 13, 2018
My Letter to the Editor

In response to the editorial published in the San Luis Obispo Tribune a few weeks back, and dissected here, I wrote a letter to the editor. It's been more than two weeks since I sent the letter, and there's no indication that they will be publishing it. So here it is: To the editor: The […]

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February 21, 2018
Two media outlets on guns

The news media just doesn't get firearms. I worked for a total of four newspapers over the course of my 15-year career in journalism. Two of those papers, The Lompoc Record and The Daily World (Aberdeen, Wash.) are hollow shells of what they once were. The third paper, The North County Times, no longer exists. And the last, The […]

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February 18, 2018
Keeping kids safe on campus

Despite what some may believe, I really do care about keeping kids safe on campus. In the wake of the horrific massacre last week at Parkland, Fla.'s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 dead, I got the predictable query from KVEC 920 AM radio host Dave Congalton to come on his show and […]

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November 16, 2017
Getting your facts right

Last week, I went on the Dave Congalton show to talk about gun and the 2nd Amendment once again. You can listen to it here. This week, on the same day yet another nut, who somehow managed to get a number of firearms despite being a prohibited person, killed five and injured at least 10 up […]

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October 4, 2017
On the radio

If you missed my 90 minute talk about the atrocity in Las Vegas and gun control, mental health and other related issues last night on the radio, you can go here to listen to Part 1 and Part 2. I'll be on again tonight, not talking about guns, and you can listen live by going here and […]

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