Ever since the New York Times decided that they wouldn't get scooped by their own reporter and that in their enlightened judgement revealing a classified surveillance program wouldn't hurt U.S. national security, Sen. Barbara Boxer (Dumb-Calif.) has been crying "impeachment" to anyone who will listen.
Well, I predicted it and now we've got a poll to back it up: A solid majority (64 percent) of Americans believe the NSA should "be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects in other countries and people living in the United States." That number includes 81 percent of Republicans, 57 percent of independents/minor party members and 51 percent of Democrats.
Hey Democrats! This is what political scientists call a "loser." Unfortunately, you've sold yourselves out to your loony base so that the only position you can really take is to say nothing and hope that the rest of the American people don't figure exactly how spineless you really are on national security. So, would someone please put some duct tape over Sen. Boxer's piehole?