December 10, 2001
Merry Christmas

North Coast Church's 20Something group had its Christmas party on Sunday night. Happiness is dancing with a beautiful woman....or 12.

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December 9, 2001
Franklin Graham on Islam

Franklin Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham has gotten a lot of flak over his remarks about Islam, and he addresses them in a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece here. The persecution or elimination of non-Muslims has been a cornerstone of Islamic conquests and rule for centuries. The Koran provides ample evidence that Islam […]

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December 8, 2001
Bad journalism of the day

A U.S. News & World Report online "Exclusive" bears the headline: "Muslim behind bars, despite judge's order." Sounds serious, huh? Sounds like the Ashcroft Justice Department is not following the law, right? We really can't blame the headline writer though, he probably only read the lede. A Turkish Muslim from White Plains, N.Y., held in […]

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December 7, 2001
Pearl Harbor's lessons

Sixty years ago today hundreds of Japanese planes attacked the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. I always remember this day because my grandfather, Thomas Harold Hoy, was a Marine on board the USS California on battleship row that fateful morning. My grandfather survived, but more than 2,000 other Americans did not. "I fear all […]

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December 6, 2001
Geraldo the joke

Geraldo Rivera is a very funny guy. Problem is, he's really not trying to be funny. Listening to "Hannity & Colmes" on Fox News, I hear Geraldo recount his close call with an al Qaeda sniper. I'm wondering if Geraldo saw his life flash before his eyes and he's as disappointed with his life as […]

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December 6, 2001
Bush wins on trade

Flying under the radar, with all of the war news and the grilling of Attorney General John Ashcroft (I'd like my Bush administration official blackened, please) is the president winning a crucial vote of fast-track trade authority. The House voted 215-214 to approve the bill. It now goes to the Senate. I haven't heard what […]

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December 6, 2001
A quick news note

Now it's easier to share Hoystory with your friends. I've registered a top-level domain name. What that means to the not-so tech savvy is that you can now arrive right here by typing in Please spread the word.

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December 6, 2001
Quote of the Day

"I love all of you men, but you women even more. I appreciate every one of you, especially the ladies. You are good-looking, God bless you." -- Sen. Strom Thurmond, on his 99th birthday after being lauded by Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. Priceless.

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December 5, 2001
A couple of final notes before I go to bed

Funny ha-has Jonah Goldberg (the son of the much vilified Lucianne Goldberg of Linda Tripp/Monica Lewinsky fame) is a very funny guy. I'm going to work on adding some more humor of my own to my postings when I can get in the proper mood. I'm still trying to figure out what the proper mood […]

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December 5, 2001
Trying terrorists

Just got done listening to today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on military tribunals. Lots of good stuff there, but all parties involved were really taking shots at a shadowy figure in the dark because the rules for the tribunals they were debating haven't been made yet. Lots of speculation from all parties involved. But the […]

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