December 19, 2001

Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) takes on Bush's decision to pull out of the 30-year-old Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty with the USSR in Wednesday's Washington Post. I'm beginning to wonder if the commonly-accepted parallel that Republicans are conservative and Democrats are liberal. In this case at least, Democrats are holding onto an old, outdated worldview. The ABM […]

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December 19, 2001

Last note before I go to bed is The Nation's David Corn proved on last night's "O'Reilly Factor" on the Fox News Channel what an idiot he can be. Corn actually advocates cash payments to Afghan civilians or their families who have been accidentally hurt or killed by our bombing campaign. Someone call a doctor, […]

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December 19, 2001

Pet Peeve: I'm really annoyed by the latest Lexus commercial in which two parents present a spoiled little brat with a "new CD player" which happens to be contained in a brand new Lexus. Call me biased -- but no 16 year old should be getting a Lexus.

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December 18, 2001

Also in Wednesday's Washington Post is a letter from San Diegan Marjorie Cohn on President Bush's decision to withdraw from the ABM treaty. (Sen. Joe Biden also has an op-ed piece on the same subject that I'll talk about later.) Unfortunately, Ms. Cohn falls into the trap that so many have fallen into when arguing […]

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December 18, 2001

Michael Kelly has an excellent column in Wednesday's Washington Post. Some things are objectively right and some things are objectively wrong. Yes, there are gray areas in life, but there is no gray area around Sept. 11. Give Kelly's column a look-see.

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December 17, 2001

Well, got home and got a chance to check out today's White House press briefing on C-SPAN. Turns out my skepticism in Sen. Tom Daschle's "we need more paperwork" excuse was on target. According to White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, Eugene Scalia was nominated April 30. His Senate hearing was Oct. 2. The last request […]

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December 17, 2001

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (R-S.D), on yesterday's "This Week" on ABC, addressed the nomination of Eugene Scalia to be solicitor for the Labor Department. Scalia is the son of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, whom many blame for awarding the presidency to George W. Bush in Bush v. Gore. Scalia's nomination was reported out […]

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December 15, 2001

A story in today's San Diego Union-Tribune contains the latest "Stupid Quote of the Day." The story is about sewage problems at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base. According to environmentalists the base's five treatment plants have tallied more than 14,000 discharge and monitoring violations over the past two years. Now, this isn't good. It needs […]

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December 15, 2001

For those of you who might have missed it, one of the great prizes for modern art was awarded earlier this week to "minimalist artist" Martin Creed. Creed's award-winning piece: "The Lights Going On and Off" is an empty, white room where the lights go on and off every five seconds. Creed was awarded $30,000 […]

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December 15, 2001

You know liberals are ticked off when Time's Margaret Carlson gets bloodthirsty. On CNN's "Capitol Gang" on Saturday, the liberal magazine columnist advocated capturing, not killing Osama bin Laden, so "we can put bamboo shoots underneath his fingernails every day for the rest of his life."

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