March 15, 2002

One more thing about the Pickering nomination. If this guy is as bad and dangerous to civil rights as Democrats on the judiciary committee claim, then why isn't there some movement to have him impeached? The short answer is that there aren't the votes. Pickering would win a floor vote for confirmation to the appellate […]

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March 15, 2002

I was watching a replay of the confirmation vote of Charles Pickering. A couple of things that struck me about the comments made by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). First, Schumer referred to the fact that Bush narrowly won the last election -- suggesting that because he didn't have a mandate from the voters, that his […]

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March 14, 2002

Idiot of the Day Award: Goes to Jesse Johnson and the Associated Press. Now, the AP isn't usually considered a liberal bastion like the New York Times or the Washington Post. Generally, the AP is a good, unbiased source of news. But when it comes to the issue of abortion, however peripherally, it seems that […]

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March 12, 2002

I'm deeply surprised that the Chinese government is "deeply shocked" that the United States government would consider the best way to use nukes if hostilities were to erupt. The Chinese government says it is "deeply shocked" at reports of U.S. military plans to target seven countries, including China, for the possible future use of nuclear […]

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March 12, 2002

Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen is at it again. In an article in today's paper Cohen spends his time beating a dead horse. The dead horse is the doomed nomination to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals of Judge Charles Pickering. Cohen and his liberal-left friends have won this one. Why can't they just sit […]

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March 12, 2002

I just gone done watching CBS's 9/11 documentary which aired Sunday night. The bravery that the firefighters and police officers displayed was just amazing. Save that tape and watch it every six months, or whenever left-wing terrorist apologists start proclaiming the need to look at "root causes," etc. The quote that hit me the hardest […]

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March 11, 2002

Well, the Chinese government has released their annual report on the state of human rights in the United States. I suspect that China was simply trying to save money, by just changing the words in the U.S. report on human rights in China. According to the Chinese, human rights in the U.S. have continued to […]

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March 11, 2002

This story from the Washington Times almost made me bust a gut when I read it. There's plenty of laughter and a little sadness in the hunting community over an incident involving a deer that collided with an automobile driven by two animal rights campaigners who belong to the People for the Ethical Treatment of […]

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March 10, 2002

NRO's Jonah Goldberg on the Democrats' attacks on the Pickering nomination: "The Democrats have been louder and uglier than a kitten in a blender."

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March 10, 2002

On CNN's "Late Edition," National Review Online's Jonah Goldberg points out that there is a moral difference between the Israeli and Palestinian violence in the Middle East. One side is intentionally targeting women and children, the other side is targeting armed militants and sometimes accidentally kills women and children. Most people with a brain understand […]

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