I've had worse injuries from climbing chain-link fences.
I just finished watching 10 minutes of Ted Rall on "The O'Reilly Factor." There's currently no transcript of the exchange up on Fox News' Web site, and I'm certainly not going to listen to Rall's idiocy again. Among the highlights: Egyptian Islamic Jihad committed the 9/11 attacks -- not Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda. We […]
I've made no secret over the past 2+ years that I've been writing here of my disdain for the United Nations. This assembly of the world's nations gives as much credibility to liberal democracies like the United States, Britain, Japan as it does to tyrannies like Iran, North Korea and Sudan. Yesterday, the U.N. seated […]
Thanks to Z Jr. for the heads-up. So, help me figure this out here...Al Jazeera is saying that Sen. John Kerry is some sort of toothy, stem cell, human guinea pig? An earlier version of the story had the PHX News headline "Dump the Dentures" as the top link. So, is Kerry being accused of […]
Word is that tomorrow is going to be a very bad day for Sen. John F. Kerry's presidential campaign. Hundreds of former commanders and military colleagues of presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry are set to declare in a signed letter that he is "unfit to be commander-in-chief." They will do so at a press conference […]
If there is any individual on the face of the Earth that deserves one, it's Ted Rall. *UPDATE* Editor and Publisher has a short puff piece on Rall's latest piece of garbage. Rall, who risked his life in Afghanistan himself as a visiting cartoonist/writer after 9/11, told E&P: "The word 'hero' has been bandied about […]
I know I've said before that the United Nations is mostly useless. I emphasize mostly because there are some occasions that really seem just right for the U.N. This is a case in point.
After what we saw with the Taliban, it should come as no surprise that when Muslims are in power they're not as tolerant as they demand others to be when they're in the minority. Governor Ahmed Sani of Zamfara State [in Nigeria], has ordered the demolition of all churches in the state, as he launched […]
The old axiom goes that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality. So, can we expect a sea change from Supreme Court Justice David Souter?
In his soon-to-be-released book, former ambassador Joseph Wilson reveals that Iraq may indeed have attempted to buy uranium from Niger. It was Saddam Hussein's information minister, Mohammed Saeed Sahhaf, often referred to in the Western press as "Baghdad Bob," who approached an official of the African nation of Niger in 1999 to discuss trade -- […]