Despite this report on Poynter, I have not been spanked by anyone -- at least for a couple of decades.
Despite this report on Poynter, I have not been spanked by anyone -- at least for a couple of decades.
The Los Angeles Times editorial page should maybe run some of their stuff past a real lawyer. How embarrassing.
My comments, which were handled by Tecknik's Blogback went kaput this morning. I don't know why, it just happened. The latest iteration of Blogger has comments built-in, but I was wary of switching over because it would mean the loss of more than two years worth of comments. That's all moot now. The old comments […]
A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with a colleague at the Union-Tribune regarding Fahrenheit 9/11 and whether or not President Bush has purposely conflated the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the Iraq war. This guy is a talented reporter and a bright guy and -- unsurprisingly -- a liberal. Though he acknowledged that […]
Tech Central Station's James Glassman has an excellent article on this week's international AIDS conference in Bangkok, Thailand. I attend two or three global health and environmental conferences like this each year, and I have come to conclusion that it's time for the U.S. government and U.S. businesses to just say no. Yankee, stay home. […]
The USDA is looking at reworking their ubiquitous Food Guide Pyramid -- taught to every American schoolkid for the last decade. It's refreshing to see the naivete and eternal optimism that a federal agency has in itself. Too many are confused by the recommendations and can't figure out how to implement them. The proof, Agriculture […]
The Democratic National Committee has released its list of speakers for its upcoming convention. Former Vice President Al Gore is the first speaker listed for opening night. Let's all hope that the networks carry his comments in full so those all-important swing voters can see what the post-9/11 Democrat Party is all about.
If France's profiteering from the corrupt Iraq oil-for-food program at the expense of the Iraqi people wasn't enough to convince one that France doesn't hold the moral high ground, then this should. (Hat tip: Common Sense & Wonder) Just a few weeks ago a 14-year-old boy wearing a yarmulka came out of the Ourq subway […]
NAACP President Kwesi Mfume was all over Fox News yesterday, appearing on both John Gibson's and Bill O'Reilly's shows, attempting to make the case for President Bush appearing before that organization's national convention. And on the same day, NAACP chairman Julian Bond demonstrates why Bush shouldn't go. Probably the only place that Bush could go […]