The Discovery Channel has a new show: Power tool drag racing. Solvency.
The Discovery Channel has a new show: Power tool drag racing. Solvency.
There's an inside-baseball controversy at Rutgers University over the school paper's decision not to publish an investigative article -- and to not accept the article as a paid advertisement. If you follow the links, you can find the article -- an "expose" of some of the perks student athletes receive. The article has some pretty […]
If you're not up-to-date on the case of Giuliana Sgrena of Italy's communist newspaper Il Manifesto, I encourage you to head over to Little Green Footballs and just keep scrolling. There's two pertinent facts everyone should keep in mind about this story are: First, the Italian government paid approximately $10 million in ransom to get […]
The Los Angeles Times still hasn't come out with any letters expressing opposition to their North Korean propaganda piece from last week. Assuming they've received some -- which is a certainty -- their refusal or lacksadasical attitude toward printing any is disturbing. Solvency. *UPDATE* XRLQ has published his letter to the editor on his Web […]
I've called on New York Times economist/columnist Paul Krugman to deliver on his promised plan to fix Social Security, so far without success. On "Fox News Sunday" today, anchor Chris Wallace tried to get the Democrats' plan to save Social Security out of House minority leader Nancy Pelosi -- also without success. After letting Pelosi […]
New York Times columnist Tom Friedman occasionally makes sense. These occasions start and end when he agrees with me. Today's column is one of those examples. But what really concerns me is Europe. Europe's armies were designed for static defense against the Soviet Union. But the primary security challenges to Europe today come from the […]
Today's New York Times has a shocking editorial on the GOP's efforts to turn the United States into a fascist dictatorship. Actually, the editorial is about the prospect of changing or clarifying the Senate rules regarding the use of a filibuster. [T]he White House's insistence on choosing only far-right judicial nominees has already damaged the […]
Well, it's Sunday, and the Los Angeles Times prints not a single letter criticizing its North Korean propaganda piece. Shameful.
The Los Angeles Times gets a load of flak from the blogosphere for printing a North Korean propaganda piece. Hugh Hewitt has reproduced three letters to the Times that he was cc'd, raking the paper over the coals. Apparently, none of those e-mails made it through the Times' server. This one did. Opening a Door […]
Yesterday's Los Angeles Times had a front page story based on a couple of conversations a Times reporter had with a North Korean "businessman" in China. When I heard radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt reading the article as I drove into work my jaw dropped. When I got into work, I called up the […]