September 5, 2005
Chief Justice Roberts

Now that John Roberts will be replacing the late Chief Justice William Rehnquist, the fever swamps on the left will quit their carping about how John Roberts, as Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement, has to be a moderate and the balance on the court mustn't be changed. I won't hold my breath. Why? Because Sen. Chuck […]

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September 4, 2005
You expect it from the fever swamps

Last night on Fox News Channel, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz -- a disgusting human being -- too the opportunity to comment on Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist's death to call him a "Republican thug" amid a tirade of lies, half-truths and fantasy. I hadn't imagined that the lunatic left had reached so far.

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September 4, 2005
Rehnquist anecdote

On "Fox News Sunday" this morning, reporter James Rosen had a short piece on the late chief justice and relayed a humorous story. When interviewing William Rehnquist four years ago, Rosen asked him why Americans sued each other so much. Rosen's father is a personal-injury lawyer -- apparently well-known enough that Rehnquist knew of him. […]

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September 4, 2005
The blame game

Ever since the magnitude of Hurricane Katrina's destruction in New Orleans and the Mississippi coast became clear, the political left has been in heightened outrage mode. First it was the Bush administration's callous budget cuts to flood control and levee projects in New Orleans. Unfortunately, these sorts of federal funding decisions are fundamentally political -- […]

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September 4, 2005
Rehnquist RIP

Chief Justice William Rehnquist died last night -- making a bad night at work worse and causing me to fail to take my state-mandated 30 minute lunch break. This has had the predictible effect of causing the Loony Left to go into super tinfoil hat mode and other assorted disgusting commentary. The hate is palpable.

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September 3, 2005
Saturday afternoon reading

If you're reading Hoystory Saturday afternoon instead of watching college football, well, that's just sad. However, since you're here, here's some things to check out. Capt. Ed takes Congress to task for waiting five days before passing legislation funding Hurricane Katriana relief. Powerline's Paul Mirengoff does an excellent job of correcting columnist George Will on […]

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September 3, 2005
20/20 Hindsight or shameless opportunism?

Over at EU ROTA, the Lexis-Nexis database has provided us with the craven and shameless opportunism that is the New York Times editorial page. First, Thursday's Times editorial on the Hurricane Katrina tragedy: While our attention must now be on the Gulf Coast's most immediate needs, the nation will soon ask why New Orleans's levees […]

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September 2, 2005
Government at all levels

Before the levee(s) broke, Hurricane Katrina didn't look much worse than most other Category 4 storms that have hit the U.S. in recent years. It was the failure of the levees and the subsequent flooding and rampant lawlessness that kicked this thing up to a whole new level. I've never been in the aftermath of […]

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September 2, 2005

I must confess that my blood pressure's been rising steadily all day as I've read some of the insanity coming mostly from the left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Let's start with the right. Proving that politics is not a line, but a circle, we have Repent America claiming that Hurricane Katrina was God's […]

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September 2, 2005
Questioning Roberts

In an attempt to rewrite history, Sen. Chuck Schumer has been going around to various special interest groups attempting to downplay the deference given to the president in choosing his judicial nominees in years past. Texas Sen. John Cornyn presents us with the rest of the story.

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