November 9, 2006
She said it

Now that the Democrats hold the House, comments like this one from Rep. Nancy Pelosi are going to get more scrutiny. From Fox News' "Special Report with Brit Hume": Major Garrett (voiceover): Asked if it was more important to win or leave Iraq, presumptive Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Fox this: Nancy Pelosi: The point is […]

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November 8, 2006
Want to know where reporters are politically?

Just ask Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist Connie Schultz, wife of Ohio Senator-elect Sherrod Brown. She notes that virtually every major Ohio daily, including The Plain Dealer, endorsed Republican Mike DeWine over her husband, yet Brown won the election handily. "So many reporters across the state kept coming up to me angry about their newspapers' editorials," […]

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November 8, 2006
An interesting hypothetical

Patterico has posted an interesting hypothetical that goes to the heart of much of the abortion debate. Assume the following facts. The fetus is viable. A doctor testifies that the safest method of abortion is to begin the delivery, and then abort the fetus. On cross-examination, he is asked whether delivery would be safer still […]

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November 8, 2006
Playing dirty pool

As of 3:17 a.m., it looks as though my father, Richard "Dick" Hoy will be one of the trustees of the Grossmont Union High School District Board. With the top 3 vote-getters winning seats, Hoy Sr. is currently 2nd behind Jim "Little Dictator" Kelly. Congratulations to Hoy Sr. It looks like the campaign will be […]

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November 8, 2006
First thoughts

There will be a lot more written by everyone about everything in the coming days, so here are some tidbits that are on my mind: If Democrats end up taking the last two up-for-grabs Senate seats (Montana and Virginia) then watch out for the campaign to get Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman to pull a Jim […]

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November 7, 2006
Voting experience

I went to the polls a little later in the day this year than I typically do. When I arrived, the local NBC affiliate was outside interviewing a Hispanic guy in Spanish -- probably over the Escondido mayoral and council races and their recent ordinance that prohibits renting apartments/houses to illegal immigrants. By the time […]

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November 7, 2006
Taking that voting thing a bit too far

I'm kicking back in the San Marcos Panera Bread restaurant with its free wi-fi as I kill some time before going into work tonight for the late shift and I came across this gem: A poll worker was arrested Tuesday and charged with assault and interfering with an election for allegedly choking a voter and […]

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November 7, 2006
Election day

I won't be doing much analysis of Tuesday's election until probably Thursday at the earliest. I'll be working late Tuesday putting out the Wednesday paper, so you can check all the usual suspects for all the usual commentary. I encourage you to exercise your right to vote. And one last reminder, for those of you […]

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November 6, 2006
Dumb, dumb, dumb

This item is dated Nov. 7, not April 1. Separating anatomy from what it means to be a man or a woman, New York City is moving forward with a plan to let people alter the sex on their birth certificate even if they have not had sex-change surgery. Under the rule being considered by […]

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November 6, 2006
Andrew Sullivan's "Conservatism"

I commented last week that "true conservatism" to Andrew Sullivan means Andrew Sullivan's conservatism and that's not very conservative at all. Let me first say that I agree with just about every single one of df's criticisms of how the Republican Party has behaved in Washington, especially since George W. Bush became president. Yes, fiscal […]

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