February 14, 2007
Arkin update

This is several days late -- eons by blogospheric standards -- but quite a few posts are going to be because there are things I want to write about, but was unable to due to evil-flu-bug. Some things will get lost by the wayside, but this was one I didn't want to miss. I was […]

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February 14, 2007
Sadr scoots

Muqtada al-Sadr has reportedly left Iraq for Iran -- like lots of other terrorists. This is probably the next best thing to Sadr pushing up daisies. What are the odds that Bush and his troop surge get any credit for this development. Yes, the answer is somewhere between slim and none.

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February 13, 2007
Rewriting history

Mark Tapscott over at the Washington Examiner did a bit of fact-checking on Harry Reid -- something that most of the media has failed to do since the Democrats took control of Congress in January. Feigning pained amazement as only supercillious Washington politicians can, Reid told the assembled journalists a couple of days ago that […]

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February 13, 2007
Not dead yet

Though that's what it felt like. I'm recovering from a really nasty bug which had drained me of energy for a day or two before draining me of my stomach contents yesterday. It's just in the past hour or so that I've been able to actually sit up for any period of time. Blogging should […]

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February 9, 2007
John Edwards' poor judgement

If anything disqualifies John "The Hair" Edwards from the presidency of the local Kiwanis club -- let alone the United States -- it's his decision this week to keep on bloggers Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan. Everyone political watcher initially thought that the initial selection of Marcotte and McEwan to run Edwards' blog was evidence […]

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February 9, 2007
Civics for Senators

The recent decision by the Bush administration to request the resignations of a handful of U.S. attorneys has resulted in the Senate once again trying to usurp powers delegated specifically to the president. U.S. attorneys are part of the Justice Department -- the executive branch -- and serve at the pleasure of the president. It […]

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February 8, 2007
Counting blessings

I don't watch a whole lot of television entertainment shows. For a period of several years I didn't watch any at all -- I watched a variety of news shows, wrote this blog and played video games. Lately, however, I've been hooked on "Heroes" on NBC and I belatedly jumped on the "Veronica Mars" bandwagon […]

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February 8, 2007
Mistrial = Double jeopardy?

It's interesting to read the Seattle Post-Intelligencer article and the Seattle Times article on the mistrial of Lt. Ehren Watada side by side. (For those unfamiliar with Lt. Watada, he has been a favorite of anti-war rallies of late because he contends that the Iraq War is illegal and has refused a lawful order to […]

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February 7, 2007
They don't hire her for her brains

Actress Charlize Theron is easy on the eyes, but she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Yep that's right! Cuba and America have the same level of freedom of speech -- which is why today Theron is in federal prison in Lompoc.

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February 7, 2007
At least he still has a job

The Washington Post's hateful hitman has decided, with the help of his editors, that maybe he ought to just shut up. William Arkin has posted a second follow-up to his idiotic screed against the U.S. military. I'll save you the burden of reading it. It consists wholly of "woe is me, the evil right-wingers are […]

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