April 29, 2008
Obama's Rev. Wright problem explodes

The media assault started Friday with a softball appearance on PBS' "Bill Moyers Journal." How softball? BILL MOYERS: When I hear the word "black liberation theology" being the interpretation of scripture from the oppressed, I think well, that's the Jewish story-- REVEREND WRIGHT: Exactly, exactly. From Genesis to Revelation. These are people who wrote the […]

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April 24, 2008
Nancy Pelosi's Bible quote

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is catching some flak for a "Bible" quote that some people say never actually appears in the Bible. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is fond of quoting a particular passage of Scripture. The quote, however, does not appear in the Bible and is "fictional," according to biblical scholars. In her April […]

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April 16, 2008
Faith and politics

Color me confused. For the second time this presidential primary season, Democrats gathered Sunday night at a forum where they each spent better than 30 minutes talking about their faith. John McCain was invited to take part, but declined. The so-called "Compassion Forum" had both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama giving their testimonies and calling […]

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April 8, 2008
Compare and contrast

While going through all of the New York Times coverage of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy, I came across this column by Nicholas Kristof. I encourage you to compare and contrast that column that attempts to put the most benign color (excuse the pun) on Wright's Black Liberation "Theology" to this column that painted evangelicals […]

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March 30, 2008
Black liberation "theology"

I've attended decades of Bible studies and Sunday sermons at a variety of churches -- mostly evangelical, but also some "mainline" protestant churches. I've even attended some Catholic masses and once went to Friday prayers at a hole-in-the-wall mosque. Yet, it wasn't until the controversy erupted over Sen. Barack Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, […]

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March 17, 2008

Tomorrow morning, Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama is going to give a major speech in Philadelphia that will touch on the subject of race and his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Obama has attended Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for 20+ years. Wright married Barack and his wife Michelle and baptized their […]

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March 13, 2008
Crazy uncles

What's the difference between your crazy uncle and the pastor of your church? Usually they're not one and the same. That's true of Sen. Barack Obama too. And it's going to quickly become a problem. Sen. Barack Obama's pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America." The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, […]

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January 6, 2008
Pushing atheism

I saw this story from the Portland Oregonian after it came over the wires. It's a profile of Bill Hamilton, a sort-of atheist who famously proclaimed in an essay for Playboy magazine back in 1966 that God was dead. Reading the profile, it's really hard not to feel sorry for Hamilton -- a man of […]

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December 26, 2007
Religion and public life

I'll probably be writing about the place of religion in public life for the rest of mine. While I'm generally opposed to the efforts of the radical left to scrub the public square of all religious speech -- and even more opposed efforts that seek to single out Christianity for special cleansing -- there is […]

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December 11, 2007
Thoughts on the Colorado shootings

Over a 12 hour period, 24-year-old Matthew Murray killed four people because they're Christians -- two at a missionary training facility in Arvada, Colo., and two at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. "You Christians brought this on yourselves," Murray wrote on a Web site for people who have left Pentecostal and fundamentalist religious organizations. […]

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